Chapter Thirteen: Missed Opportunity

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Right at this moment the world just seemed to stop in my very eyes. Suddenly I can't hear the loud music playing inside the house anymore nor I can see the other details in my sorroundings. All of my attention has been focused only to those two, nothing else.

I felt a pang of discomfort within my chest. And then I realized that I have been holding my breath for quite sometime now. Aiming to relieve the pain, I slowly release the air inside my lungs. However the aching in my chest wasn't taken away at all. I am breathing normally now yet the feeling of pain just seemed to have even worsen. Like it has been duly realized as my body underwent to its normal function once again.

I know what is this. Yes. A heartbreak.

Walk away Mary Dale! Come on turn around! Walk away! Is what my subconcious mind has been screaming but my body just won't follow.

I am literally petrified. I just stood there, staring at them.

It is Heaven who is facing my direction. From where I am I can see on her facial expression very clearly. She's savoring the moment. The feeling of his arms around her. Heck her eyes are even closed! She definitely enjoying it.

And then as if on cued her eyes opened at that very moment. Of course being directly in front of her line of sight, she automatically saw me. I don't know but it seemed like something flicker on her face as she realized my presence. Something like hatred or disgust? I am not sure. It was only for a split of a second though that I might possibly just imagining it. I am not in my best state of mind right now after all.

She continued to stare back at me for a few more moments while still in between Edward's embrace. Her subtle gestures looks to me like as if she's making me jealous or something. I can say that it is vety effective though because right now I've felt it coming. The corners of my eyes are starting to feel hot as my tears started to well up. But still, I wasn't able to walk out.

And then all of a sudden.....

"Love you Edo and thank you. Thank you so much. " I heared Heaven lovingly uttered.

The tears that I am trying so hard to hold streamed down uncontollably on my face in that instant. This time I have no other choice but to immediately turn around and walk away. I have to save my pride. That's the only thing that's left in me at this point after all.

I put the ice cream cups that I am currently holding on to the table beside the sofa for a moment and then rushed inside the bathroom. There I brisquely brushed my stupid tears off my face.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stop crying you darn idiot! I repeatedly thought to myself.

All this time, ever since we went outside the PBB house and with all those MayWard hype, I have been telling to myself that I wouldn't be persuaded, that I wouldn't crave for more and that I will just be happy and contented on what we have with our current situation. In all honesty until today I truly believe that I was though. When I saw that scene earlier, right there and then I realized that deep inside me I have been hoping all along that there is actually an 'us' in those 'feelings' that he kept on mentioning in all those interviews. An 'us' that is more than being just ordinary best friends. But obviously I was wrong. Very very wrong. Now I knew better.

It was devastating. I was hurt and I still am. I feel betrayed even though I knew that it is not Edward's fault at all. Given all the major changes that happened in this world, he didn't even gave me even just a speck of false hope in the first place. He is just such that sweet guy. A very sweet guy. That's one reason why I fell for him after all. It is me who's clearly at fault because I misinterpreted him. I took his actions the wrong way. It is my fault for expecting more and wanting more from him even though I knew that it is impossible since we belong to two different worlds now.

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