Chapter Two: Another Chance

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I take a good look at myself in the mirror. I touched my eyes, my nose, my lips, my forehead and then my cheeks.

"Am I really this ugly when I was 19?" I uttered frustratingly at myself.

My skin is definitely not smooth. My face is a bit oily too. There are blackheads and whiteheads all over. And my eyebags! Oh my gosh! Maleta girl! Maleta!

Now I realize that I haven't put so much effort in making myself pretty back then. Come to think of it, I only started to be beauty conscious when I entered modelling at the age of 21. And it is only mainly because the job calls for it.

Maybe because everybody's saying that at 19, I am beautiful just the way I am.

Yeah yeah I was naive, right!

I let out a sudden huff.

I really can't believe this! Out of nowhere I am 19 all over again!

Every woman's dream! I thought jokingly.

I pinch both of my cheeks really hard for the 'nth' time until it turned red just to make sure.


It's painful. I am definitely awake and this is definitely not a dream.

Well of course this isn't a dream Mary Dale! There is no such dream that will last for a whole three consecutive freaking days! Plus the fact that everything is so vividly pictured.

Napatay na talaga!

How the hell did I wind up here? I don't know. But if there's one thing that I am really thankful for this mystery, it is that my wish came true at last. I finally able to see him again.

No words can even describe what I felt that moment three days ago when I met him again after 13 long years.


"Is Maymay alright? Is she awake?" Asked Edward who just came in.

In that instant I literally froze at my place. Everything around me seemed to vanish all of a sudden. My eyes focused on him, only him. I just stared unblinkingly at Edward's handsome face. His big and expressive eyes, his high bridged nose, his prominent cheekbones, his thin yet pretty lips, (so pink just like a girl's and definitely prettier than mine) his strong jawline, his perfect chin.

He is real! My twin Edwardo is indeed in front of me!

"Ate May alam namin gwapo si Edward pero hinay-hinay lang sa pagtingin. Hala ka baka matunaw yan!" Kisses blurted jokingly which broke the trance like state that I am currently into.

Everybody laughed at that.

"Grabe MayWard bai!" Yong exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeeiii Mayward! MayWard! MayWard!" Marco added teasingly.

Eventually, everybody joined in teasing as well. Without me noticing, my lips cracked into a small smile. Admist of confusion because I haven't fully grasp the extent of my current situation yet, I can say that I am genuinely enjoying the moment. God knows how many times I desperately wished for this to happen again.

I've missed you guys!

It's true that we always go out every year especially during Christmas season as some sort of a reunion. Usually all of us are in complete attendance but there are times that one or two people are missing. Most of the time it was Marco-whenever he's in Italy, Fenech-who is primarily based on Singapore because of work for seven years now or Heaven-who went to live in the States after she got married.

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