Chapter Forty-two: Cornered

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My eyes followed Edward as he walked across the hospital's healing park to buy some cotton candy from the kiosk ar the opposite side of the ramp where he parked my wheelchair. Sure that I was now already beyond his earshot, I then relesead that massive and loud sigh to de-stress myself.

It has been exactly four days now since I woke up in this hospital on my 34 year old body but until now, my brain can't still properly process the whole idea of it. Especially after meeting the freakin' 31 year old version of Edward here. Seeing him walking towards me in that tiny and cold hospital room seemed kind of both surreal and scary. It's as if I just witnessed a person coming back to life, right in front of my very eyes. Well for the record, technically that how it was anyway. The sensation is way too different from what I felt that time, when I became 19 all over again and met his teenage version. I have never imagined that I will actually see the adult Edward which I only pictured on my dreams all these past years. Astonished, surprised, shocked and every other word synonymous to those became complete understatements to describe how I felt at that exact moment.


Flashback, 4 days ago

"Thank God, you're alright babe. I've missed you." Edward muttered softly then kissed my slightly parted lips. Then he moved his face a bit and flashed a gentle smile. His right hand went to my face to caress my stonecold cheek.

"I am so glad that you're alright May." He whispered before completely taking me into his arms. "Para akong mababaliw sa nakalipas na apat na araw na nandito ka at walang malay." Then he added with a little bit more passion in his tone this time.

With that, my body shivered. The feeling of his warm body against my own, his cool breath that kept on tickling my senses and his amazingly on point Tagalog are what did the deed I guess.

Edward surely sounded the most Filipino now than I have ever heared him before.

"Are you cold?" He asked, pulling away a little.

With eyes wide open, I could only stare at him in response. Even though I heared his question loud and clear, and I am perfectly aware that I have to answer, somehow I just can't. My lips, rather my whole body is petrified still.

"May? What's wrong?" His face contorted with worry all of a sudden.

Wanting to wipe away that tensed expression on his face, I tried moving my lips once again. Luckily this time I succeded.

"Edward?" My voice is definitely shaking though.

"Yes May. It's me Edward. Don't you recognize me?"

Fear reflected on his eyes on that instant. And I completely understand that, given the nature of my latest accident of course.

A part of me wanted to comfort him, tell him that he doesn't have to worry anymore for I'm completely alright. But instead, different set of words came out from my lips.

"This is not dream right?" I can hear my voice breaking as I asked. My body started shaking violently as well, probably as the aftermath of the initial shock.

"Maymay?" Edward's tone quickly shifted from panicky back to worried at that.

I didn't respond to that call. Instead, I lifted both of my arms and cupped his face in between my palms.

"Edward...Edward....Edward." Then I chanted his name repeatedly just like a prayer. Tears started falling down on my stoic face too.

"Hey, honey why are you crying? What's wrong? May masakit ba?" Despite his obvious disraught, his tone remained achingly gentle. Like as if he is trying to sooth my pain with his words too.

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