Chapter Twenty-one: Puzzles

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I slumped myself on top of the bed only to sit up again after a few seconds. I have been doing the routine for the past 15 minutes already (based on that wall clock hanging beside the door) but as much as I want to sleep, I just couldn't. The events that happened during our workshop earlier kept playing inside my mind over and over. Specifically that dance. That waltz with Edward.

"Haaaaaaay" I breathed frustratedly. I laid my body on the bed once again but in prone position this time and then bury my face on the pillow to sulk.

Here comes these feelings again and I don't like it. They are always attacking me down to my very core everytime I am already close to that rightful resolution to this situation. That dance earlier, the way he held me, the way he looked at me and the way he whispered those soothing and encouraging words to make me feel at ease are literally making me crazy now. Those gestures, they are only making me want him more and more for myself. And it doesn't really help given the internal conflict that I just barely recognized after waking up to that obnoxious dream days ago.

I sighed. I stood up and went to my study table to picked up that mysterious lilac rose from its vase.

It's the same as always. Still doesn't wither even a bit. After several months, the flower still looks as fresh as it was when the old lady first gave it to me. That fact is actually amazing yet very creepy if one really thinks of it. Certainly there are things in life that a mere human mind can't even comprehend.

I lifted the rose so I could look at it at eye level. All of its petals are still perfectly attached to its sepals. None even a single petal is endangered of falling out.

Really amazing. I thought to myself.

I gently twirl the stem in my fingers and examine the rest of the rose's part when all of a sudden I noticed something. My forehead creased as I saw a few petals budding at the bottom of the rose already turned into a completely white color.

With this I quickly flipped it over to check the topmost part as well but the rest are still in pure lilac.

"What is this?" I muttered to myself in between curiosity and confusion.

I put back the rose on its vase. Then I took my laptop from my drawer and sat down at my study table. As soon as the gadget turned on, I quickly clicked the Google icon and typed 'rose petal discoloration' in the search engine.

Several articles popped up on the screen. I clicked the first up to the tenth article, I think, and skimmed through their contents. I didn't quite fully get every detail since I am no plant enthusiast but based from what I understood, flower petal discoloration may have caused by several factors like flower aging, pests/fungi, heat and lastly the improper use of chemicals.

Obviously the first and last of the choices are initially off the hook already since I have never even once sprayed anything on it and this is supposed to be a non-withering/magical flower as well. So that leaves me with the heat and the pests/fungi to ponder.

And so I tried to research and read more about those two but their supposed discoloration properties didn't match with the phenomenon that happened to my lilac rose in specific at all. In those articles, it says that heat should change the color of all the flower's petals evenly at the same time while pests and fungi must cause distortion in the texture of the petals too aside from the discoloration per se.

Neither of the two manifested in the mystical rose at any point anyway. It remained immaculately fresh looking apart from the complete whitening of its bottom petals which means that none of those factors may have cause that change.

Of course Marydale none of those is the reason. It is a magical rose for Pete's sake! Why did you even bother to research? Came in from another side of my brain.

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