Chapter One: A Mysterious Encounter

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"Wait for me huh!....."

"See you soon......"

"Take care Maymay. I'll call you when I get off the plane.........

"Bye Maymay......"


I opened my eyes in an instant. I can feel my rapid heartbeat as I take several deep breaths. My whole body is sweating. Tears are streaming down on my cheeks uncontrollably.

Why is it so hard to breath?

I kept lying on the bed for a few more minutes, trying to calm myself. I wipe my tears with my blanket. When I finally able to contain my sobs, I checked my phone on the side table.

2:30am. Still this early.

I took another deep breath and then put back my phone. I brought my fingers to my temples and start massaging it. My head is really aching so bad. Apparently I have one of these episodes again. I noticed that it became more frequent in this past three months. Well maybe because his birthday is coming. Three days from now he was supposed to be 30 years old already.

But he will never be. I thought sadly.

It's never gonna happen because he's gone. 13 years ago he left me to go to Germany and never returned. Even though he promised that he will, he couldn't anymore. Fate took him away from me...forever.

I shook my head. I am diving into that memory again. Everytime I had this dream I can't help it. That last time we saw each other, his very last good bye. I still remember it clearly as if it just happened only yesterday.

An urge to bawl is creeping within me again. The pain, I can feel it, slowly starting to squeez into my heart until it is torn into pieces again and again. I wish I could be numb of it all. I wish I could just remove my heart so that I wouldn't be able to feel this unbearable anguish over and over. I wish I could just forget.

But I can't. And I doubt that I ever will.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to get some milk. I doubt if I could sleep again at this state. After, with the glass of milk in my hand, I went into my study. Yes I now have a library in my house. Knowing me during my teenage years, no one will ever expect that I will become a reading freak in the future. Well it did happened anyway. 13 years is such a long time. My habits, my preferences, the way I speak and even the way I do things changed. Almost everything about me did except for my heart. It is still the same. For the past 13 years my heart is still full of regrets. Regrets that I know that no matter what I do now will never ever be erased.

I put the glass of milk on my table as I sit. I opened my right side drawer and took out the things that I have been keeping inside it.

One by one I started to look at them for......well I don't know how many times already. Our MAYWARD mementos. Stuffs given to us by our fans during our showbiz days. Whenever I miss him I just take a look at these and then I will feel a little bit better. It's like a treatment to my aching soul. Momentarily it would stop the pain but will still not be enough to fully cure it. This treasure of mine is composed of several cheesy items that a typical teenage couple has. From couple shirts to couple caps, couple bracelets and even couple phone cases. Originally I only had my share but on the last day of his wake I ask Tita Cathy to give me his'. I am very thankful to her because she didn't deprived me of that wish.

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