Chapter Thirty: The Invitation

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I glanced up at the clock that is hanging on top of the whiteboard.

12:30PM. It's past lunch time now.

No wonder I can feel the intense grumbling of my stomach already. Especially that I haven't had a decent meal this morning since I woke up a little later than usual.

I groaned as I felt another round of gultural chaos inside me as if sealing an authentication to my previous thoughts.

When will this lecture end? Like seriously?

"Ok we will continue this later. You can have your lunch for now."

I let out a huge sigh of relief when Ms. Esme, our instructor for today, finally said that.

"Be sure to come back here exactly after an hour though. And don't you dare to be late, even a single second." Then she added quickly before anyone of us could even start complaining (like anyone would even dare to).

After, she picked up her folder on the table and without anymore words, walked out of the room.

An hour break? Really?

This woman is so unbelievable!

I've always thought that Ms. Esme doesn't fit to become an acting instructor. Don't get me wrong though, in my opinion she is an excellent actress. But the thing is, I can't honestly say the same thing about her as a teacher too. Her methods are just so extreme compared to the others. To put it simply, she's too strict and intimidating that students can't even relax nor internalize with their acting in her presence. And that basically makes her tactics ineffective at all. Truthfully, up until now, I wonder why SM still has her.

I let out another sigh but this time out of frustration. Then I gathered my things from my chair. No matter what my opinions are, they don't count anyway. She's the teacher and I am just her student. Her rules, I obey.


Feeling somewhat irritated now, I stood up from my seat and immediately walked towads the exit of the classroom. The moment I stepped out to the corridor though, I felt someone instantly grabbed my right shoulder. On reflex, I turned around hastily to see who it was, only to be jokingly poked on the cheek by the perpetrator's index finger.

"Yuck Lorenz. Muntik ng mapunta sa bibig ko yang daliri mo!" I exclaimed in disgust as I shoved his hand away from my face.

But Lorenz only replied with his booming laughter which suddenly filled the whole place.

"Hindi naman pumasok eh. Sorry na." He quickly redeemed himself though, grinning from ear to ear like an utter idiot.

Seeing that, I can't help myself but just grin in return. His mood is just too infectious. And with that, the 'Ms. Esme's effect' on me amazingly disapperead in a second.

"Ewan ko sa'yo!" I mockingly rolled my eyes.

"So where to? The usual?" He asked. Only then I noticed the sandwich that he is already holding in his right hand.

For the last couple of days, Lorenz and I have been spending lunch breaks eating together at the building's cafeteria. We didn't have any formal arrangement about it actually, it's just that it suddenly became a habit ever since he decided to talk to me normally again after our last conversation.

Surprisingly after his unlikely confession that day, Lorenz just went on a total stranger mode on me the next morning. But frankly speaking, I totally understands him. Though I admit that it is quite unexpected on my part since he just seemed fine and nonchalant only on the day before, but no one would actually ever know how things exactly work when it comes to the matters of the heart right? Not even me who is the other person involved. And so in the end I didn't push my luck and decided to just give him the space that he needed until he come back on his own. Which he then did eventually.

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