Chapter Forty: Reset

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We are going down.

Even if I can't actually see, I can obviously feel it anyway. Well, everybody does. That's why admist the immense turbulence, no one is still now. Especially after hearing the pilot's latest announcement. I might not fully understand the meaning behind some technical terms that he used but I get their indication very clearly. Like a bright blue sky in a beautiful sunny day.

This plane, our plane is about to crash any moment now.

"Ladies and gentlemen please stay on your calm. We will explain what to do now. Please listen carefully and just follow our instructions."

I heared one flight attendant shouted on top of his lungs. But no one seemed to care anyway. It's too late for havoc took over already.

Despite the current situation though, I'm quite surprised of myself actually. Well because I still managed to stay on my wits up until this very moment. That even though it's really hard to listen to the attendant's instructions because of all the commotion, somehow I still managed to stay focused.

Well this could very well save my life, that's why I guess

If I got lucky anyway.

I sighed then proceeded to buckle the safety belts on my seat as per the attendant's instruction. It's really funny because it took me forever to finish it. I didn't realized until now that my hands are trembling like crazy. In fact my whole body is.

I shook my head dismissively.

Don't lose focus Edward! Stay on your calm. If you panic now then that's it. You're dead. So calm the fuck down man! Then I spat mentally to myself.

As much as I don't want to, I can't help the fear that is starting to cloud my rationality here. No matter how I tried to push the thought away, I just can't do it. It's because it's the thought of my parents. Apparently, they aren't here with me at this moment. Our seats are booked seperately in this flight.

Are they alright? Did they finished doing all the necessary safety precautions already? Are they looking for me now?

With those unanswered questions, my system only went a bit more haywired than before. My Mom, I bet she's going crazy to go to me now. I just wish that my Dad is willed enough to stop her.

Which I very much doubt in the first place.

With that, I unbuckled my safety belts and made a last minute decision to just go find my parents. No matter what happens now, I want to be with them. Especially in this kind of situation whem my own life, our lives are at stake already.

I stood up. I was about to run to the back cabin where my parents are sitting when all of a sudden, an attendant stopped me and ushered me to go back.

"Sir just stay in your seat please. It will be safer."

"I'll be quick. I just need to go and find my parents at the back please." I tried to argue.

But he is still persistent. "I'm sorry sir but I can't allow you. Please go back now."

"No!" I didn't intend to scream but my temper is getting on the roof now.

The anxiety of not being able to confirm my Mom and Dad's welfare is only getting more and more intense by each passing second.

"I need to find my parents now so let me go or else......"

I wasn't be able to finish that threat because all of a sudden, we heared a loud explosion from the front part of the plane. Then just like that, the cabin instantly tilted downward, shoving all the people who aren't on their seatbelts towards the side where the gravity lies.

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