Chapter Thirty-three: His Confession

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I frantically squirmed at my seat then lifted today's script on my hands to cover my face.

His eyes are all over me again.

Two rows ahead and three columns to the left, Edward Barber is giving me this intense look that made it impossible for me to concentrate into anything at all today. But what's worse is, no matter how try, I can't make myself to ignore him because like it or not, ever since it came to my understanding that he is special, I have always been overly concious of his presence regardless of where we are or what the situation maybe.

I sighed. His unusual gesture, I perfectly knew what it is all about of course- his bomb of a confession at the Star Magic ball two days ago.

Right now I can feel that he's itching to talk about what happened that night. Only that I have been purposedly avoiding him ever since.

To be honest, that confession still feels so surreal to me, even after I heared him say those words myself. Sure countless times I imagined him doing that before, but never did it cross my mind that it will actually happened for real. Not after I lost him and definitely not when we meet again in this world. Most especially, not after his chilvalric 'rescue' of Heaven earlier that night.

Except that he did. He really said it and I am shocked to oblivion. That's the reason why during that time, I couldn't say anything in return. I was left open-mouthed, gaping at him like a fish which just suddenly gotten out of the water.

Well what do I say after such unexpected revalation? In my mind, it seemed like thousands of things are swirling at the same time, that it actually disabled me to focus on processing the minutes of the situation. Plus the fact that my emotional state that time was no better either.

It is obvious that Edward wanted a reply from me right there and then. By that determined look on his face, l could tell that he wasn't going to let me go until I gave him my take regarding his confession. I can see that he is prepared to talk thoroughly about it if not for a worried Ms. Min who suddenly found us talking outside then frantically beckoned us to go back inside. The ball is still ongoing after all. Our absence will only do no good if the press found out. With that, the confrontation was halted up until as of this moment.

Actually, I am more than thankful of Ms. Min's interference that time to be honest, for it bought me a much needed time to thoroughly assess the situation. I am perfectly aware that can't I avoid him forever. Sooner or later, I have to face Edward and our unlikely predicament to clear things up. I can't just straightly accept that 'I like you' anyway, not when I still have so many questions inside my head which mostly involve his relationship with Heaven. All this time, I honestly thought that they already have a thing going on. Like a mutual understanding or sort.

However, I must admit that I am afraid of learning the truth as well. I know that something in me will change as soon as I did. I am sure of it. Depending on Edward's explanation lies is the conclusion to my future decisions.

Once again I let out a deep sigh. Then, I put down the script to my armchair table and meet his gaze this time. A subtle surprise flickered on his face as I did though.

And then he smiled. Right then, I knew that he understood as well.

I took out my phone then and typed.

Let's meet at the rooftop later. Is 6pm ok?

After pressing 'send', I looked up to him and waved my phone.

He immediately get it and checked his own phone. Then he started to type. It didn't take much long before I received a reply.

Sure. See you later.

TWIN FLAMES (A MayWard Story) ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें