Chapter 55: Flash vs SAVITAR

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AN: Hay geysers! It was probs amlost aboot a year ago when i rided dat chippter aboot flashy bird and zoom, so i decided tat now ill half 2 rite aboot seasoned 3! Things didn't tern out lik i thoted in da last chap, so that one isnt canon 2 dis 1. Bi da wai, tank u 4 all da bitchday wishes! It maded mii like supers happi! Tim doesn't make me happy. I'd be happy if he was eaten by a rabid mongoose. Also, It'd be cool if you checked out my Tumblr! (alexknight002) I mostly just post bad fanart on it, but still CHECK IT OUT OR ILL F*CKIN CUT YA MATE I MEAN IT! Also FLASH SEASON THREE SPOILTEERS (at least to the musical episode) SO DONT EREED IF U HAVENT SEN IT YET.

Chapter Fifteyfore Recap!: ES MI BERTHINGDAY, Sankuru and Funkura r dere 4 sum raisin, Tinkle is da bestest ship, besides Octavimoe (DJ Octavio/Moe) and Beanicus (Bean/Kid Icarus) and whatever I should call Sakurai/Fukura (please suggest a name, maybe Sacatrai, Fukurai, Sakura? Leave suggestions pls), Linkle is preggers with links child EWWWWWW, da babs r bored, day r ton lonk an Argyll, Lucile despise to krill dam, day half brithday OR DEATHDAY party, lunch fineds out, he cals Marin an she es mad, Navi x Marie pillow, day gong 2 keel, Tinrersl trilcks Megalo into not kilen da babs, he nocks everyone out, an he sends da kiddies bach in tim!

Chaptre beggin!

I did sum bachstory last time, so ill recite the entire shoe as mucho as i ken rememberer.

Backstroy: 1 day sum time agog, their was a Polish Scientis named Bari Alden and he was stroked by lighting and he got SUPER SPED and becam noun as THE FLESH! His mod also died and his dad was in jal, but he got out and left and He was addopted by Joe and Iris is Jos dauber who Beary licks whos brother is Waldo west and Bear works with Sysco Raymond (AKA Vibraphone) and Katelyn Slow (AKA Killing Frost (but onle in Erath 2)) Harry Welsh is from earth 2, but there was anoter one from earth1 who waws evil and real name was Eabird Thawed who died and Jay Gerick who is also flash, is also from EARth 2 he turned otu too be ZOOM who was a bad guy from that world who Bart had 2 fite an Barley founded dat Jay Z's real nam is Humper Solomon so then he kill bars dad an burry was sad an den zooms desided he wanked 2 blow up da multiversp so Beri decided 2 stoppo him an den day had a racist agent eachother an Bleary defeated him by making a tim clon dat stopped da multipurse bomb an den Hoom was kiled bi da tim raiths wich r frum da sped forest, an den it tuerns out dat da guy in da mask is da reel Jay an he looks like Baris dad because hes his erth 3 counterpart, an den Byrron gets togeter wif Piris, but den Beauly is stil sad aboot his daddy dying an so he travels bach in tim an brigs his mom an dad bach BUT THAT TOTALY SCREWS UP EVERYTING! Now its semen 3, an borer is livin a norm lif in da new word called FLESHPOINT where wally is da flash an he fites dis guy named da ravel, but den Welty dyes an beri is sad an so he turns everyting bach 2 norm, BUT THINGS STILL SUCK, iris an joe r in a fite, Francisco s brother is ded, an an Katelyn is kill frost now an she cat control her powders but at leas she seems normal for now, Biro fineds oot dat he Kant turn things bach 2 normal an he also has 2 fite dis guy nammed Dr. Alcamy who is really this guy he wanked with named Julio Alberto but he was only bein mind cuntrolled bi da reel vilian nemed SAVITAR, also Wali gets supa sped an Jessi who is Erth 2 Wells dahgter also does 2 an Walu is called Kid Flesh an Jesse is Jewie Quick, also a virgin of Harry wells frum anoter word is dere 2 but hes a loser, den beary gets togeter wif iris really now, but he fineds out dat isrusi is gonna b kiled in a few months bi savvier unles he can stop him, byry traps salivary in da sped forces but den he excapes an Waylay is tramped in it so Jay goes in it insted an freees waly but gets trupped inside, an Flash axes iris 2 mary him an shi sais yes but den she finned out sat he onli did it 2 chang da fruiture an den she is mad an burry cals of da weeding an den day half a musical episode 4 sum raison with supergirl an bari desides 2 get bagh togeter wif iris an he axes her to mary him agin b ut ty tstill ned 2 beat Suitor AN HERE WE R an da chipter ken realy stert.

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