Chapter 35: Kiddies?

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Chapter 35: Kiddies?

AN: Im bach from mah trip! and i an ridin an kjew chap right now! And now dat im bak, I ken laf at tim agim! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Now fined out watt happens with link and navy, and fined out watt happens with the kiddies!

Chapter Therdyfore Recap!: Toing and Zefa sax, day watch Billandted, zekda geths preggers, she has da babbies, she meats Bill &T&ED, se burrows the Tim machine 2 make furn of link, lenk krills her, navi servives, and now day have da babbeez!

Chaptre beggin!

Navi and Link were discussing what to do with the babbreeeeez. "We need to take them to an adoption agency, so they can find a good home, since we definitely shouldn't give them back to Tingle," Navi explained. "He'd probably just eat them"

"KNew, i wan 2 keeep dem! Wheel have tuns of foon!"

Before Navi could replie, Malon wanked in2 The Room! After seein da babreeze, she had eh shocked leak on her face. "Link, r dose kiddeas yers? Who was the mother?! Tell me AND ILL KEEL HER! TELL MII, YOU BIG GREEN CU—!11111"

"Calm Downey Jr, Muffin," leak interuptationeed. "Dere zeldeZ and Tibble's kiddis, nut mine, craft GETTIT! Also, Zerda dyed cuz i quailed her."

Muffy was sew happi dat she screamed in happyness and had an orgism 4 tin minuets. But den she reelized tkat shee wanted 2 be da 1 2 keel her! "I wanted 2 keel Zella! I want 2 keel her! LET MII KEEL DAT MOFO!11111111111111111"

"Donut warry," linked linked, "Zebras bodi is rite ther 4 U2 violate!"

"YAY!" malloned and ranned over 2 her corpse.

"New, wii need 2 fined oot wat 2 dew with da baaebses! I wanna keep dem!" Link hubilarianed.

"Link, I already told you that I can't let you do that!"

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse mii, Navi! I cant let u taek dem aether!" Link picked up a chair and banged it on Navi's head, knocking her unconscientious. "Now, itz tiem 4 sum of mie experimints!"

A few mini's latter:

Navi woke up from her unconscientiousness. "Oh crap, where's Link?!" Much to her horror, she saw Link putting the baybees in the microwave! "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING TO THOSE BABIES!?" Navi shrieked.

"I want 2 see watt (AN: GEDDIT!) happens when u put babies in a microweave!" Link happily replied. "Itz an experimant! I wonder if theill turn in2 a hot pocket! Or pizza!"


"Hoo cares, stop being so judgemental of my interests navi!"

"Yeah," said the Happy Mask (AKA Drug) salesman holding hands with Walter White. "Leave the porn man alone! He just wants to perform SCIENCE! U understand, rite Heisenburger?" Walter agreed, being MLG and smoking weed everyday.

The sexy duo of drug dealers tied up Navi, and left so dat link could finish ihs experimats. "LINK, F*CKING STOP, YOU MOTHER F*CKING BASTARD!"

"no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no! no!" Link doctored. (GETDIT!?)

Little did lonk know that Navi broke free while he was saying no. She picked up a nearby pot and broke it on Link's head, knocking him out. The fairy opened the microwave and took out the babies, about to find them a new home.


"You need to take these babies to a new home, okay? Take them somewhere before Link was even born, so that he can't ever get to them, as if he does, they would be in serious danger. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, Navy!" exclaimed Bill. "That sounds excellent!" Bill and Ted did some air guitar.

"It's Navi."

"Oh, okay. Well, maybe we'll see you soon, right Ted?"

"Right! If you ever need anything, just call us!"

"Thank you guys so much," Navi said. "Oh, and...Stay excellent!"

The duo did some air guitar before taking the babies into the phone booth and teleporting away.


Link woke up after a while. "Wat happened? And wear R da beepies?"

"Hey, look!" Navi exclaimed. "I found some fish sticks in the microwave!"

"Yay, my exdperiement twerked!"

Malon walked up 2 da door! "Hay (AN: GEDET!1111) guoys, i made a cool artwork!" She took lonk and Navi outside to see. There sat a bloody and gruesome, but realistic replica of Michelangelo's David, made completely out of human flesh. "I cut apart Zeldaz boddy and put it back togehter 2 make this!"

"Wow, meson, dats grate!" lonk congregilated. "You could get ritch of off making art out off peples ded boddys!"

And so Malon got rich by killing people and making statues out of them.

"Heey, wherez Navi," lonk herdeasded. He looked down and saw Navi throwing up after witnessing this horrific sight.

Suddenly, a noize was heard in linkz House MD! (AN: GETDEAT!) Link ran inside, only to see a blue-haired man eating the fishsticks with a group of video game characters! "Oh f*ck, he's back! Everyone in the van!" The group jumped into a hot pink van, with the name MemeMemeMeme Brigade on the side.

Link angrily ran towards the van. "Dose ar my fishsticks, u fishing f*cks!"

Without hesitation, the brigade crashed through the wall and drove off.

AN: Well dat wus wired. Bi da Way, I'm going to Metrocon in Tampa this Saturday! You might see me there, but you won't recognize me, since you don't know what I look like! I'll be dressed up as a blue Inkling from Splatoon, and I'm 16, so you'll have to find me! Tim wont beeeeeeee theer luckily! What an lozer. Stay tuned for a belated 4th of July Special coming sometime this month (probably), starring everyone's favorite angle!

Next time on Tingles Raveng: The Tingling:

Link went to Metrocon dressed as his favorite character, Scrappy Doo. But when he got there, everyone was DEAD! And the killer was...Dark Yagami! "i am the king of the shinigami agan! But he wasn't for long, as Epona was there 2, wanting to take his title! Also, penguins. Zzzzzzxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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