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Chapter 50 SPECTACULAR!1

AN: WE DID IT! We finally made it to 50 chapters! That's almost as many as the amount of chapters in HTK! (although my chapters are much shorter and less well-written) Anyway, I can't believe that we've been doing this for over a year and with 50 chapters! I know some of you want some actual answers about things like the Fanfiction Goddesses, but don't worry! Answers are coming! I with Tim was coming to my house so that I could throw a book at him.

Chapter Fordynien Recap!: Lonk and navvy go to Alola, day meat Lollipop, day myt Haw, Celine Dion, y Nebby, Nebby kneads to get in da bag, link sleeeps, Navi and Glaceon and Nubby wank up, Lyly is evil, day run, and Overlie catches them!

Chaptre beggin!

But before we really begin, we need to do...THE ENTIRE STORY RECAP! That's right! We are going to recap the entire story so far! I'll leave out the information from filler chapters though. SO HERE IT IS!

CHAPTERS WUN THROO FORDYNEIN RECAP!: Tiongle ternd evel and killede Eponda and his pappa, link tok links sord and took the sworerd, Alitha is DEAD, Melon yelled lik darth Vader, Ebony's ther two. U suck Tim, Navi hats Link, fanficten ruens evrything, Link smushes with Old Man, Tingle eats bacon and steels Malon's kidneys, Navi hates her life, Tingle goes into fanfiction so he can scar the readers for life, Link sings Andaconda, Zelda is in luv with him, Malown is to, Enoby and Sarah ar there, link kils them, Arnold Sforzando came, they travel beck in tim, Arneld sended Link to kidnap Enoby and Sara, Link kidnrapped them, Edoby and Sarah declahr war in eachother, Ahnold is actualy Tengle, World War III has begun, Navi breks intwo Enobies goff Castle too stop the goffs, Link messes it up, Harry coms to help, Link messes it up, the goffs tryto kill them, they excape, Darth Vadar is Epona, Epoma and Linkara fite, Darth epona leeves, thay goh too C the Happy Druge Salsman, link, Jappy Drug Saslemen, and Waldo Whittie hav the secs, Tingle ans Zedd hav the secs 2, Link and Navi fite bugs, Navi gets confuced, they red books, Jenna comes, link findsout that Zelda cheeted on him withj Tingle, Link swears avengence, Snap and Loopin masticate, Ebony hats Sara, Ebone fites wif da otter goffs, she destos da Hogwerts shcool of prars and mirrorcoals, Snap, Looopin, Mr. Bonding, and Link hav a treesom, TaEbory, Dally, Twila, and Atlantiana figt over Edwerd, Day kill bella, Harry from 30Hs is ther, Link meets Dark Yajami, Dark isnt gay, Link steels the Deth Note, he kills Dank, he kills a bunch of other peoples, Tingle stels the note, link is meen two Navi, Happy Drug ASalesman and Walder Wight are DEAD, Link goghs after Tingle, he kills Navi and a buch of othe people, he blows him and Tingl up, and APRIL FOOLS it was just a dreem, Link gos 2 Hobnails Hangar Horse, Hagerman Lifer is there, Lonk and Hummable have six, Tingle and Hearable try to eat Link, Julio Sesser scars them away, link secses with him, Mitten gets trepid in her hose by the Hogwarts School of Prayeers and Mirricles, she starts goin cray cray, she fines My Inner Life, she goes even more cray cray, she wes in luv wit link and despided 2 krill Jenna, she excapeds when Ebony plows up the skull, she kills jenna and cia, the Hot Topic Krew is sad, Tingle steels the Evertything Note from Dark, a kitty cat spiels it from him, Link is imbed with Rude, bloop bloop, he givs Navi fishy stacks, Old Man wanes about Waldy, link kells a buncha peopl, Weldo discuses as Nave, Naavi kils him, he sisn't the rel Wordo, the bed guys meck evil planes, Tingle hires Ben, Link and Saria bang, Sakuri gets made at Lenk, Fucara is awesom, the treble into Zedda, link is an arse anist, Sacurai and fucharashi rap for a long itime, thay fall in luv with eat other, Lonk likes cat-on-asian action, Sara an Evony fite, Link deosnt listern 2 navi, he goes to hotopic, its really preppy, LuPittoo r mien too him, he goes to ebonky, everyone chaces him and Navi away, Robbin trays to kale Mango, he descent have his toms, Maggot trays 2 keels him but cant, nooene can dye, link treys 2 fine out wye, thye werk wiht tindfe 2 finde out, link klills evreome, the Very Hungray Catapeleer did it, link releses it, he lills Navi, Dart hvader is Agitha, Agita trays to power up cattypiler, she has buggy sax, Link treps her, she escapes, catpilder trens into catcoon, Alibi brinks Nabi back, shay and Link BATLE, coperpiller becums butterfli, Ahura swatches sides, Fukira ets batterfly, thay wach buggy sax vydeo, everyne is spekin Spernish, Navi is confursed, Jorge the Mexican chef is speaking Englsh, Sakuree is spekin Franch, Tingle is lins brothel, its jest ssakrais dreem, Whorehey is still speckling Eglish is some Gemmen, Sakurai eats some tacos, Dark steels the note, he gets kirlled, link gets noted, link becoms kira, L is tingles deterctive, L and Light run atfer lonk, gambit pileup, what the hell is happening, im really confuses, they fine the rale note, lite dyes, saria dyes, and L jones tings teem, Lonk starts hary poter role play, a bunch of otter people play 2, the game starts, vlodemort attercks harry, enoby kils him, she has sax, new story, hare an jenny meke out, he meaks out hith Snape, Dumblydore has a danse partay, he starts rapping, Hedwig does 2, Sara jons chat, 30hs hary ends the stray, Ben gist raveng on lanky, theirs no punkuation, navi is madd, auther maeks it werse, it gets even worser, it terns intwo wired romea an Julio, evrethin turs bach 2 nornal, link as still noying, ad Navi iss mad, Nabi has a dreem, Link despides 2 goh TO SPACE, he gets speese ship, Neeve warns him, he doesent lisen, he flyes off, day sing Space Odity, thee ship milfunctions, he's lost IN SPACE!1111111, Lonk has a wheat dream, Sandwich saevs him, he tingks Seamus is hottie, he wants some luv luv, Status beats him Up, whe shoots him awai, he dies OR DOES HE?!1111111, Link dies, NOT, he olands on Plewdo, he goghs 2 a cantina on Play-doh, he meets abuncha SPACE peeple, lnk gos 2 Walerigis Tako stend, he sees Jorde, day get in a fite but it gets butter, John Stalvern comes and fites deamons with lonk, and then John was a zombie, link blows up ship, but did zombie john surveev, he was blasted 2 erth, he meets Sakera and kat, navi Jynxs it, link crushes in, he kills Navi, Toing and Zefa sax, day watch Billandted, zekda geths preggers, she has da babbies, she meats Bill &T&ED, se burrows the Tim machine 2 make furn of link, lenk krills her, navi servives, now day have da babbeez, Lank and Navy tank aboot da baboes, navi wants 2 but da baobys up 4 adopted, lonk wants 2 keep dem, malen gets mad but feelz butter when she ghets 2 mutilate Zelda's body, that green guy tries 2 but the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabys in da micowave, navi trees 2 stpop him, she nocks him oot and saevs da bebbs, Beel and Teed tak da bobbies bach in tim, loink fines fish sticks, Malon does corpse art, chrum steels da fishick, Lank an Navi gohg in Slutoon, da squeed sisers annoince da Spletfeast, loonk geets halp form da MLG Watler Wite, he sings da song an annois navi, moe an his boi Friend make an eviil paln, MOe is mien, Octavimoe attack da Slutfest, Judd Dredd attecks dem, Navi saevs da day, Octavimoe were blasted into the Sky like take rochet, link starts to scream OH SH*T, You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a, Poplio is sad, hesees eggzeguter, day becoom frands, agitha attecks cootiefly, she kidneps chargabug insted, Oricorrooooo was bein meen 2 pipleo, he attooks X egg you tor, Pongpio murders da berd, he becames evel and starts krillin, he combiines wit Tingel, day will get knew powhers, day do evil stuffs, Sole and Mecca wake around, blare sluts in, day get mad, day chopper up and sender away, Cleef Cleevin deleevers her 2 hyrele, its thron away, tinglers eeevil teem is dere, day r bored, day fined Blur, she a hot cat, she jons da teem, octavimoe join da tame 2, they are named THE TINGLING SENSATION!11111111 (Best name ever), Tingly party, lonk fites with stealths, waldo keetches dem, Navi has 2 watc dum moovys, leak and blear have sax, tingle is mad, FLASHBACK tingle sexes with lank, nave is grossed, END FLASHBACK day dew evil stuffs, link hangs with his Friends, inkay inkay, everyone is totes jelly, Mello finds aout aboon da sexing, she desids 2 keel Bear, cat fite, bunches of kitty cats, Navi is still sad, Beatles, actually Snow halation, HTK party, Walter loves Viridi, goddess of dank, people dye, Sakurai stops it with tim travel, shiek is there, ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED, Lonk doesnt beleive her, TODEKETE, Sherlock and John are there, Haloreen partake, been wants scurry Hollower, tries 2 make a scary on, kidnaps navy, BUT HIS PLAN FAILS MISERABLY AND NOTHING IS SCARY, hes like totes sad, tingley sensation wast to cheers him up, they hier Villager to killer him, he is happy, he dies but not really, navy is still kidnoped, its chrismis, lank hates it, he kills some peeps, ghost naiv scards him, she tells him exposition, its a Christmas carol now, Navy leafs, ghost Zelda coms, she trieds to make him better but it doesn't work and she leafs, ghost ruto comes (in more ways than one HAHAHAHAH GEDDIT!?), link is so terrable that she kills herself, Light Yagami is there too and he is an offensive gay stereotype for some reason, Link tries to make a bunch of jokes BUT HE FAILS, lite is annoyued, Link tries to get L and Light back to gether and it works, but then it turned out that that was his plan all along and he got Light killed just to make Les life miserables, Navi is so mad she blows up, Sakurai and Fukura bring her back, dooor nocks, its KAREN!, she joneeids the team, its all goin accordion to plan, Linkle is hunting doen lonk, and its also going accordingly to plan, Linker huntress down Lynx, day get made at eachother, day get magical anime uniforms, theay sexx, navis they're, BIG FITE, Mellon comes, she gets like totally pissed off, and then she tries to blow up the entire world, I mean, what a bitch, a misterious finger stomps her, ITS TINGLE, LINK AND LINKLE ARE SIBLINGS WHAT, Navi is grassweed oat, and then...TINGLE IS LINK AND LINKLES FATHER OMG WHAT THE HUGEST TWITS AVER WOW!111111111, Tingle es Link's padre, WHAAAAAAAAAAT, Hague tvists, Navy is grossed out, Link and Linkle are really gross, AND NOW LINKLE IS TINGLE'S GIRL FRIEND EWWWWW, Navi goghs to kale Tangled, Tinges isent as dome as he seams, he caches a bowlett, TINGLE REVEASL THE TRUTH, Navy is sad, Lonk and navvy go to Alola, day meat Lollipop, day myt Haw, Celine Dion, y Nebby, Nebby kneads to get in da bag, link sleeeps, Navi and Umbreon and Nubby wank up, Lyly is evil, day run, and Overlie catches them!

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