Chapter 30: Space Oddity

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Chapter 30: Space Oddity

AN: Boy the wae goys, this chapill have link be IN SPACE!111111 I'l half im be ther 4 a few chaps, so i wurder what hill do their! Hopefulle krill tim, that Alien 3!

Chapter Twennynien Recap!: Theirs no punkuation, navi is madd, auther maeks it werse, it gets even worser, it terns intwo wired romea an Julio, evrethin turs bach 2 nornal, link as still noying, ad Navi iss mad.

Chaptre beggin!

Navi was happily sleeping, dreaming about Link being dead. Sadly, Link had to ruin it by waking her up. "NAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!111111111111111111111"

"What do you want, asshole? I was having the perfect dream!"

"I no how 2 beet tingel! I jest knead 2 go...TO SPACE!11111"

"And how do you expect that will help beat Tingle?"

"I go TO SPACE and find SPACE pwers to use agenst him!"

That doesn't make any sense, but neither does anything else in this story, so I'll just go along with it."

"Elsa," links smeeled "I want for us 2 b sinjing Space Oditee bi David Bowee during the flite!"

"But Brentalfloss already did a video game-themed parody of that song!"

"Who da BLEEP cars! Lex do it anime!"

"Where will we get a spaceship from?"

"I half won!" feltoad Agiha pot off no wear.

"Damn, are we really going through with this?"

"Yes u flying f*ck muffin!" meanied Lanky.


Navi was at da Grundy controll panell whilst Line putting om his asteonut soot. Agassi got da Roccot ready so th link cold be IN SPACE!11111111

"You obviously aren't going to listen to me about this, but you aren't in good enough shape to fly into space." Navi advised.

"Fl*ck u, an u need two says it end all caps!"

"Fine. IN SPACE!1111 But seriously, leaving the atmosphere is very difficult, and can be painful to people without any training. The smart thing is, actually, f*ck it, you aren't listening to me anyway."

Link was searching pictures of One Direction shirtless on his phone. "I wasent listyearning two eddythink u send, but it was prerbrably meen, sew f*oc ewe!"

"Okay, but don't blame me when someone goes wrong. Actually, f*ck that, too. You're obviously going to blame me for whatever happens, as you always do in this sh*tty, repetitive fanfiction."

"Watevs now letz goo ghet reddy 4 me tp bee IN SPACE also u suck."

I'm Link got into the spaceship, while Navi got the controls ready at mission control. "Remebah navi wheel song Space Odyssey by Davie Bowling as wii liftofff IN SPACE!1111111111111"

"Okay, let's get it over with," Navi said.

"SPACE ODDITY" by David Bowie.


Sung by Navi and Link


Navi: Ground Control to Major Link

Ground Control to Major Link

I tried to warn you that this plan just really stinks

Ground Control to Major Link (Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six)

I really need a f*cking drink (Five, Four, Three)

Alright, it's starting, and you're probably gonna die (Two, One, Liftoff)

This is Ground Control to Major Link

You're in really awful shape

And why do you have to be such a d*ck

I bet all of this g-force is making you sick

Link: This is Major Link to Ground Control

I'm feeling really...BLAAAAH!11111111

Oh, f*ck! Why am I getting so sick? Holy sh*t!

Navi, why didn't you warn me about this, b*tch?

For here I am feelin like I'm dyin

Far above Hyrule

Vomit's everywhere

And it's all over my hair

(Musial Interlube plays while Link is throwing up everywhere)

Link: Oh, f*ck! The pain! F*ck! F*ck! Sh*t! F*ck! Mother f*cker!

I'm feeling just like sh*t!

Wait, why is this red light starting to glow?

Navi, tell me what's going on, you ho!

Navi: Ground Control to Major Link

Your circuit's dead, you're screwed, this stinks

Can you hear me, Major Link?

Can you hear me, Major Link?

Can you hear me, Major Link?

Can you

Link: Here am I about to start dyin

I don't want to die!

There is one last thing to do,

Say my last words: Navi, f*ck you.

Link starts screaming as the ship is floating into SPACE.

Poor, Link. Will our hero ever find his way home, or will he die IN SPACE? Find out necks time!

AN: Dats all 4 today, tim's dum, whatever. Yule fined out wat happens in a few chappers, but nex chap ill be somthi a leetle differant, yule see. But im adding someting knew 2 the end of the chaptar to keep yu waiting! It s a purview of watt wheel happen ex!

Next time on Tingles Raveng: The Tingling:

"You will never learn the way of the goats! NEVER!"

"We'll see about that," said a stranger, hiding in the shadows. He walked closer, revealing that he was...Friedrich Engels!11111

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