Chapter 17: Ben Drowned His Sorrows

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Chapter 17: Ben Drowned His Sorrows

AN: I derided 2 stent riding some Creppy Pasta! WANRING: If u r scared of scary things, than donut red this chap. An if u get night mirrors afrer rodding this, dont bame me, cuss i warranted u. I elsa wronged Time two stop been stooped, but he did nt lisen.

Chapter Sextant Recap!: Link is imbed with Rude, bloop bloop, he givs Navi fishy stacks, Old Man wanes about Waldy, link kells a buncha peopl, Weldo discuses as Nave, Naavi kils him, he sisn't the rel Wordo, and the bed guys meck evil planes.

Chaptre beggin!

WARNING: People who read this have been known to DIE so be careful.

This was taken from the blog of a man who DIED! It shows how he DIED and it is all a true story.


Lol, guys! It's almost my birthday! Some weird stuff happened today, so I'll tell about it.

I went to the store to buy myself a birthday present. I really liked the game Majora's Mask (AN: I dont own dis game!) so I decided to buy a copy for me.

"Hi, welcome to Game Stop! How may I help you?" asked the girl at the counter.

"Umm..." I mumbled, "Do you have a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask?"

The girl got a scared look on her face. "I'm warning you! I"M WARNING YOU!11111 The Darkness...IS COMING!111111111"

"Uh, what?" I asked confusedly.

"Just know that I warned you...I WARNED YOU! That's be $29.99!" she smiled and then winked like a cute anime girl.


That was weird I thought as I walked home.

I didn't play the game yet because it wasn't my birthday until tomorrow. I know my birthday is on Halloween, but it isn't like something scary is going to happen that day.


Omg, today was so scary! I have to type this because no one will believe that it really happened! But it did happen!

I took out my new game and prepared to play it, when something strange happened. My phone rang, but instead of the ringtone being One Direction like it normally is, it was Lavender Town! I answered the phone, and it was from my mom!

"Don't do it..." she whispered in a scratchy voice. "Don't do it...YOU WILL KILL US ALL!1111111"

"Mom, what did you say?" I questioned.

"I just told you to feed the dog, since I won't be home until late. Love you!"

Why have so many weird things been happening to me recently? I pondered. Maybe my mom is just planning me a surprise birthday party!

I put the completely normal game cartridge into my N64, expecting some fun time. What I got was so much worse.

The N64 logo popped up, but it was completely black! I thought I saw a creepy face pop up for a split second, but I just assumed that it was nothing.

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you!" Those words appeared on the screen as the game began. I jumped in my seat. "Hey, that wasn't supposed to happen! This game must be broken!" I decided to keep playing anyway.

A bunch of weird stuff happened that was so scary! There was a creepy statue of Link that was following me around! I hate it when that happens!

But then, a bunch of glitches happened too! The screen got blurry, and the creepy statue got closer to the screen! This must just be a hacked version of the game, I thought. This can't be real.

But then, all of the lights turned off in my house! The TV went into static, and my dog walked up to me!

His head did a 360 degree turn, and then he said, "You're DEAD!111111111111111111" (AN: Omg, so scray!)

Epiloge: The narrator was found dead in a pool of blood the next day. THE END!

Ben was on Fanfiction dot net, when he saw that a new Crappy Pesto was written about him! He was glad, as every time a fanfic is written about him, he gets paid royalties. That is the only way for him to support his wife and kids. While he was eating some French toast outside, Tingle walked up to him. "I heard you need to make some extra money."

"You heard right," Ben replied.

"Well, I have a job for you to do."

The author was typing away on his computer, when he had a realization. "Crap!" he muttered. "This chapter was boring. But I think I know what will fix this. RANDOM MUSICAL NUMBER ACTIVATE!"

Navi and Link were taking a walk like normal, when some music came on. "Wait, where is that music coming from?" questioned Navi.

Without notice, the scenery transformed into the set of the music video for "Material Girl" by Madonna. "What the hell?" Navi had no idea what was happening.

When she turned around, Link was wearing Madonna's dress in the video, and all of the other characters in the story were there too. "Seriously guys! What the f*ck is going on?!"

Instead of replying, everyone just began a musical and dance number fitting the choreography for "Material Girl." Link sang the lyrics, which was a real shame, as his singing voice sounds exactly like Toad. (AN: I don't own da lyrics! There owned bi Madonna!)

Sum bois kiss mii

Sine voys huge me

oi thing their okai

If they dont gif me prosper credi

i just wank away

They ken beg and they khan pled

But Thai cant c el Light (dat's rite)

Cuz de boi wif the code hand cast

Is always Miter Wright

Cuz wii r lining n an maternal world

An i m an Matterhorn grill

U no dat wii r linking n a maternity word

And I am an Mediterranean gurl

When the song was over, everything went back to normal. "What the actual f*ck just happened?" said Navi.

AN: Wow dis wasa relly scurry! It even gave mii Knightmares! Tims face does 2. And remeber that Modena owns the lericks, not me, so dont sew me! But eddieways, I hoep u licked it! Also...

Surprise scary ending! A spooky skeleton popped out! BOOOOOO!111111

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