Chapter 39: Prompt Challenge!

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Chapter 39: Prompt Challenge!

AN: Im soory i hervent BEN abel 2 post a chopper in an long time, but iev BEN busy watching the Ollympigs and skull work! (If only tim wood work at dye ing) But donut worry, as I have something new in store! It is...a prompt challenge! This is how it'll work: in the reviews, you tell me an idea of something you want me to write about. Give me a prompt, and I'll probably do it (I never said anything about doing it well, by the way). I'll have it be a chapter in this story, so be on the lookout for one based on your prompt. I won't do it if it's too offensive, or if I already had plans in the story similar to that prompt. Also, I might even like the ideas in the prompt so much that I decide to save it for later in my story. But please tell me prompt ideas, since I'm open for almost anything! Since I don't want for this to be all that's in the chapter, here's a short story about our favorite game developer Sakurai! And I'll be sure to write a longer chapter before long!

Chapter Therdyate Recap!: Sole and Mecca wake around, blare sluts in, day get mad, day chopper up and sender away, Cleef Cleevin deleevers her 2 hyrele, its thron away, tinglers eeevil teem is dere, day r bored, day fined Blur, she a hot cat, she jons da teem, octavimoe join da tame 2, and they are named THE TINGLING SENSATION!11111111 (Best name ever)

Chaptre beggin!

Bill Trinen was holding a camera, filming the action. "Good," he smirked.

His pet dog Marmaduke was having a three-way with Cacturne and a random guy cosplaying as Sailor Moon.

"Come on guys, we need a little more spice to this sex tape!" Bill exclaimed. "If we get this hot and famous enough, I'll finally be able to rival the coolness of Sakurai and his dumb cat!" He decided that it would be hotter if they were wearing Sakurai wigs.

Suddenly, Sakurai and Fukura walked in! "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" the sexy Asian screamed.

"I'm filming a sex tape. What does it look like?"

"That doesn't mean you have to film it IN MY F*CKING HOUSE!"

"The hell is wrong with you!" exclaimed Fukura in disgust.

Sakurai looked at Trinen. "Come on, man. Why are you doing this? We broke up years ago, so why are you still following me around and doing sh*t like this?"

"I miss you Sakurai! Plz come back to me!"

"Hell, no! All you've ever done is be terrible to me, so why would I ever take you back? Besides, I'm happily married."

"To your cat, you weirdo."

"Hey, f*ck you!" yelled Fukura. "I'm not really a cat, I'm an eldritch abomination that existed billions of years before you were ever born and could easily end the universe if I wanted to. I only look like a cat because Sakurai likes cats!"

"Who cares," Bill Trinen grumbled. "You know what, I'm so mad at you that I'm turning straight!"

"What? That's not possible, you idiot," Sakurai explained.

"Meow," meowed his cat because meowing is cute and it turns Sakurai on. He's really getting lucky tonight, meow meow.

"Yes it is, I like girls now! Here, I'll prove it!" Bill walked out the door and got into a conversation with a woman. "Hey, I'm straight! Can you kiss me?"

"F*ck off creep!"


"Well that was weird," meowed Fukura.

"Yes, it was. But since when is anything that ever happens to us normal."

"True. I have an idea, Sakurai." The cat got a seductive look on his face, which must be difficult for a cat, but he's basically God, so he can do whatever he wants. "How about we have some sexy time!"

"Sounds like fun, but it seems like something is missing."

"How about we troll some people and then have some sexy time!"

"Hell yeah!" Sakurai gave thumbs up to the camera, thinking that he was breaking the fourth wall, until he realized that it was the camera filming the sex tape, and then the Sailor Moon cosplay guy, whose name was Seymour Lanier and was Gordon Ramsey's secret brother, stole the tape and then got rich by selling it and then he, that cactus, and the weird dog all became some of the richest people in the world and international celebrities, and the sex tape became so famous that it is now studied in schools and is seen as the greatest work of all time. THE END.

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