Chapter 27: Harry Potter RP!

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Chapter 27: Harry Potter RP!

AN: Wazzup! Todis cheepter will bee in the style of a Hurry Patter Role Playing Chat! An itll hav al yere fav caracters 2! Good think tim went be ther e since hes noons fovorete charact. Just sew u no, names in bold wheel be the reel characters, wheel reguber nams will be Harry Podder. Ex: Link:, Harry Potter:

Chapter Twennysex Recap!: Dark steels the note, he gets kirlled, link gets noted, link becoms kira, L is tingles deterctive, L and Light run atfer lonk, gambit pileup, what the hell is happening, im really confuses, they fine the rale note, lite dyes, saria dyes, and L jones tings teem.

Chaptre beggin!

Link started a new chatroom.

Malon joined the chat.

Navi joined the chat.

Epona joined the chat.

Sakurai joined the chat.

Fukura joined the chat.

Link: Hay goys, I starded a Harry Potter role play chat! I added u 2 the chat sew u ken do it wif mii! Tell me who you wanna be in the rp an we can play! I call Harry!

Navi: Do I really have to do this?

Link: YES LOSSER!111111

Navi: Fine, I call Hermione.

JK Rowling joined the chat.

Navi: Wait, is this really JK Rowling?

JK: I just wanted to watch over this chat to make sure that everyone is in character.

Navi: Poor thing, she doesn't know what she's getting herself into. Also, why is Tingle here?

Link: I needed a bad ghey 2 play Voldymert.

Tingle: And I'm obviously the best choice to play a very threatening character.

Malon: I wanna play Ginny!

Zelda joined the chat.

Zelda: Can I play Ginny?

Malon: LEAVE NOW B*TTCH!111111

Zelda: But I just wanted to play!

Malon: I SAID LEEVE!11111111

Zelda left the chat.

Tingle: Bye, my little Zeldy-pie! I'll see you in the bedroom tonight!

Snap joined the chat.

Snap: How about u tell us more about what you'll do to her?

JK: Snap? Is that supposed to be like Snape?

Snap: Hey, how aboot u tell me wat yere wearing rite now?

Snap has been blocked from the chat.

Link: Ill bee sure 2 send u my phone nobler soon, snap.

Happy Drug Salesman joined the chat.

Salesman: I'm a redhead, so i call Ron!

Walter White joined the chat.

Walter: I call Neville!

Salesman: Maybe we can do drugs together in the story!

JK: That doesn't seem in character.

Link: Shut up, dis is mah chat!

Ebony joined the chat.

Ebony: Oh mi satin, let me pley maself!

JK: Just because you were in a Harry Potter fanfic doesn't mean that you're a Harry Potter character.

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