Chapter 32: Metroid: Zero Sense

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Chapter 32: Metroid: Zero Sense

AN: Da mane story is approchaing us b*chess! (Timmy's da b*ach im taking aboot) This wun wheel be a space EGGSTAVAGANGSTA! Or will it?! Sames wheel bee theair! And ebby wone luvs Santas! Now reed, OR DIE!111111111

Chapter Therdywun Recap!: Toast.

Chaptre beggin!

Link was eating French toast, covered with the souls of children while listening to the Nyan cat song. But this would not end well. Everything went dark and silent, when suddenly...

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" A spooky skeleton popped out! And there were two of them! And they were...Ebony and Sara!? They were dressed up as the Squid Sisters, singing "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want! So tell me what you want, what you really, really want! I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want! So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!"


Suddenly, Link woke up. "That dremb was so secsy!" He laufed. "I weesh I had sum extra underwhere." Then he realized that he was in his speesship and it was malfunctioning. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!111111 Im gooona dye!" Then he died. Just kidding! You probably really believed that, you silly Groose. (AN: Gettit! It's a Zelda pun!)

Da speeseship blowded up, blasting link into SPACE!111 Sadly, he was wearing a SPACEsuit and didn't die. But he was floatin around and wood diy if he didn't get sumwear saef fastly.

But THEN....a speeseship fluw up that looked like Samus's helmet! Who's spaceship is it? FIND OUT!11111111 Now.

The SPACEship suckeded him incest and then...he saw someone wearing a helmet that looked like Samus's helmet! Her suit looked like Samus's suit, too! The Samus-like person talked to Link. "Are you okay?"

"Im fine, bros!" (AN: GEDDIT!?) "But who r u?"

"I am..." The mysterious person who's identity we don't know didn't pause, but I added it for dramatic effect. It's really dramatic, RIGHT?!1111 "Samus!" she yelled. Wow, what a twist! "Hey, I think I know you! You're Link, right? I remember you from Smash!"

"Yepsa doodles! I went IN SPACE and my SPACEship blew up IN SPACE!"

"Um...okay? Wait, you look different. And why do you have a weird accent? It sounds like you're taking with misspelt words."

"Im jest prefectly nermal. An I takl liek dis becas I spent a vacation in Sweeeden."

"Well, okay. I guess I don't need to wear my Power Suit any longer." She took off her Robo murder suit to reveal her sexay bloo Zero Suit!

Lonk's mouth was watering. "Day-um!"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothinf."

Samus went to get some scrambled eggs, while Link stared at her big sexay bobs.

When Samus got back into the main room, Link was necked and lying on the ground like Deadpool in that poster!

"WHAT...THE...F*CK!?" she furiously grumbled.

"Hay, gurl," lonk lonked like the sexy beast that he is. "How you doin?" he Joeyed.

"You mother f*cker! Get OUT!"

"Oh yah? Den ill FITE BACH if yer meen 2 me!" Link charged at Samus but slipped on some tossed salads and scrambled eggs. "Oh no! I got scrambled eggs all over mah face!"

Samus easily beat up Link and shot him out of her ship. And now Link really did die. OR DID HE?!111111111111111111111111 FIND OUT NEXT TIME!1111111111111111111111111111111111111

AN: Lol, link is total weeksause, kinda like timmy the mangled f*ck mongoose. But of cource Sammy beated him cas shes totes badasp. STAY CONTINUITIED BROS becas da continueation will be continned soon!

Next time on Tingles Raveng: The Tingling:

"Hey bro, you want some tacos?" Jorge questioned.

"Yes, YES! A TRILLION TIMES YES!1111111111111 TAKE RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!111111111111111"

"Wow, you be cray cray."

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