Chapter 14: TV Tropes

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Chapter 14: TV Tropes

AN: PUT ME ON TV TROPS ALREDDY! Mah fanfliction is realy good! u shod understand how cool it is (Unlick tim) 2 prov why i shold b on Tv Trips, i hav a list of 100 REASONS WHY MY FANFICTION SHOULD BE ON TV TROPES! Also, a special thanks 2 GeneralDarkPit, who left Kudos for the storey on Arciv f Are One! a celibacy liked my story! Don'k worry, Genital Dank Pat, ill hav th e Hot topikrew in the story agin soon! I love u. Also, i know i alreddy said that this chap would be bach 2 the mane story, but i changned me mind.

Chapter Thertween Recap!: Harry does some werd stuf, some more wired stuff haplens, it was all justa dreem, Lafayette Glockenspiel is there, Hairy taks 2 Frumblegorp about hiss drems, Dumbledwarf and Snap take a bath together, it was al justice dream, and Hardy kills hisself.

Chaptre beggin!

Hey guys! This chapter was originally just a long list on why my fanfiction should be on TV Tropes, but since it actually is on TV Tropes now, it is no longer needed. (It was just filler, anyway). Thank you to whoever created the page! It means so much to me that so many people liked my story, despite it being complete crap. Anyway, thank you everyone for reading!

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