Chapter 21: Link Goes to Hot Topic

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Chapter 21: Link Goes to Hot Topic

AN: Hallo fangz! Tanks for saiyan all of the nise thins aboot my fic! Espersially u, Mordant Anda! Sakura and Fakera wont bee in thesis chap, but this chapper will heave evryones fav goff store, Hot Topic! Tim is noones fava betas his dum.

Chapter Tweny Recap!: Sakuri gets made at Lenk, Fucara is awesom, the treble into Zedda, link is an arse anist, Sacurai and fucharashi rap for a long itime, thay fall in luv with eat other, and Lonk likes cat-on-asian action.

Chaptre beggin!

Ebony and Sara were in hte medal of an epik battal. It was rock-pepper-scizors, and the winner oiut of won rounds wood win the batthole.

"cum on letz do dis!" yeled Enoby suicidally. She piced seizers sense it remeded her of of cutting herself, her fav hobbi. Sadley 4 her, Sara piked rok and one. "F*k!11111" she scremd.

"yey!" sara sed. "Tank u god 4 lettin mie win!"

"Ew u discuts (geddit! becase ebony cuts hersef!) me!" eboby sod.

"Hoe dar u disrepet God, u librul!"

"I wership satin, sew i don car!"

They both starded throwin grass at eatcotter, until day got tered an passed out.

Navi and Link were watching the fight. "What's wrong with these people?" questioned Navi.

"I tink tat day both breng up perfectly raisinable ponts?" link linked.

"What do you mean?"

"Thay r both evil and im evil! Mwahahah!"

Navi hated being the slave of this complete monster/cretin.

"I hav an ideal of how 2 stop Enoby!" link did. "shes abscessed with that sotore hot Topic, so i can bi some cloths form there and trick her into beein my frend! Then ill kill her win shes not lookin!f"

"That would've worked, but Yoshi—," Link didn't let her finish.

"I'm not listerning 2 u! I ken dew wat i want!"

"But the store—,"

"No navi im Levin!"

Link runoff 2 gogh 2 Hat typic and get goff cloves.


Lonk ran into the store, but it was filled with cartoon stuff, boy band merchandise, and Disney toys! "Wow, mebbe this place isnt soo bad!"

Only cute, preppy characters were shopping there, but Link just assumed that goffs culture was changing to resemble prep culture. You know what they say about assuming: it f*cking sucks. "Ill taik evreything!" lenk precipitated.

The Hylian a-hole walked out of the store, satisfied with his new "goff" clothing. He instantly changed into his new clothes, which included Mickey Mouse ears and a One Direction t-shirt. "Wow, im so goffic and edgy now! Ow the edge!"

Dark Pit and Lucas were watching from a distance, drinking some Capri sun. "Wow, look at Link!" Pittoo pointed out. "He's such an f*cking prep!"

"Yeah, what an loser!" Lucas, the world's sexiest character noted. He is so sexy that my nose is starting to bleed now that I'm thinking about him. I mean, damn! Compared to him, Channing Tatum looks like Quasimodo! I'd probably go gay for him. Actually, scratch that. I'd definitely go gay for him. I wish he'd PK Flash me, if you know what I'm sayin. He—

"Get on with it!" cried the readers.

Fine, I was just trying to replicate the style of the world's best fanfic, you b*stards, but maybe I am going a bit overboard. I think this goes back to when I was a child.

FLASHBACK: He said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."

Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY THE DEMONS"

There was a time when he believed him. When he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the—

"Are you f*cking kidding me?" the audience angrily asked.

Okay, okay. I'll get back to the real story.

"Hay, ken i join theHOt Topic Krew?" the preppy Link ask.

"F*ck, no!" LuPittoo yelled. "Get the f*ck out of our mall, preppy b*tch!"

They threw a water balloon at Link, causing him to burst into tears and run away.


Link waltzed into Ebonies goff castle, expecting to become her bestie and eventual assassin.

"Hay evryoe! Look how goffy and edgy i am now!"

Ebony's jaw dropped to the floor out of shock that anyone could be such a f*king prep. An alarm went off in the goff castle. "PREP ALART!11111 PREPP ALLERT!"

"Whay does evryone tank im apreep?" link thought out loud. "I got these clotes at Hit Tipic!"

Yoshi, AKA the Terminator, was watching from outside of the castle, evilly laughing at how idiotic Link is.

"Get dat mother f*cker!" Draco yold. The entire goff army started storming after Link.

On the run, Link found Navi and carried her away. "Tanks a lot for scrowing mii over!" he scweeelsd. "U sholdve warned me about Hot Topic! Now yere not getting food tonite!"

"But I was going to—,"

"Shut da gosh darn heck up, mother f*ker! Now lets get out of here pefore the goffs get us!" The duo scurried away from the angry goffs, running towards the camera like the end of an episode of Looney Tunes.

The ending music comes on, and Tingle appears instead of Porky to say, "That's all, b*tches!"

AN: Huh. What am I doing with my life. Eddieways, i hop u lick it! I aded Sakerai and his cat to the favorit e character poll on my profiel page, so be sure 2 vote! (Don't vote 4 tim, that losser.) Ill be bach soon with a knew chap!

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