Chapter 28: Important Announcement 2!

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Chapter 28: Important Announcement 2!

AN: Hye gees I no its ben a wheel sinse I lest posted, but don wory, since I have a new story! its a Flash fanfic, called Captain Cold and Those Other Guys. It is based on the comics, nut the show, and its abot Capptin Cold and the Rouges going on weird adventures! It s really funny an u should reed it! Bee shore 2 Czech it out! sents I habent posded in some tim, ill just maek this chap a poem! Itll bee really beeutyfell. And dontt weary, as a reguber chap ill be hear soon.

Chapter Twennyseaven Recap!: Lonk starts hary poter role play, a bunch of otter people play 2, the game starts, vlodemort attercks harry, enoby kils him, she has sax, new story, hare an jenny meke out, he meaks out hith Snape, Dumblydore has a danse partay, he starts rapping, Hedwig does 2, Sara jons chat, 30hs hary ends the stray, and Ben gist raveng on lanky.

Chaptre beggin!

A cold wind

it blows throughout the air

The sky

it is the air itself.

What is the world without the air?

It is nothing.

Life is nothing.

That's what people think.

Is life really pointless?

Trees don't think so.

They happily blow through the wind

like no one is watching

because no one is watching.

No one cares.

But why does a fly buzz?

Is there a reason?

Maybe we'll never know.

Maybe life really is pointless.


Or maybe that is why we exist.

Why the world exists.

Why turtles exist.

To question the world.

And the surroundings.

A fish is swimming,

little to nothing affects it.

We aren't like that

we are alive

we are sentient

we are




That is us

That is we

That is the universe

That is

We are

Everything is

But why?

Maybe we really do know.

But do you know what I think?












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