Chapter 53: Epona's Origins

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Chapter 53: Epona's Origins

AN: Nay gueys! (AN: Gedtidit becaus de a chapter about Epoch!) Zis well tale aboot her organs and wyatt she johned Temple! Tim should join a nuclear complany that is bad at nuclear safet and then hel get nuke poison an dye. But in all seriousness guys, I'm kind of panicking. I want to have a Switch by my birthday (the 18th), but I don't know anywhere to get one. I know it's something dumb to worry about, but I just really want to have a Switch so I can play the new Zelda. So, if any of you know somewhere that I could get a Switch, please tell me in the comments. Thank you!

Chaptre Fifteytoo Recap!: Domino wants 2 keel lonk, lunk luvs da novella shack, he sings da song, naviy is sad, she is shooted away by Dubai, nary takes t2 dark pot, Incases/Bane best shit i mean ship, thay go f4 grunch, Mahjong keals sum chimps, she gohgs 2 c lync, she tinks drape is a gale, she one punches him an it kills whatever pure evil monster made other m, an needy johns teingle.

Chaptre beggin!

The members of the Tingling Sensation—which seems to basically be just an unholy combination between the MemeMemeMeme Brigade, Cute Toot House, League of Super Evil, and the Big Bads—were all gathered round the campfire to sing that one song from SpongeBob.

"Hey, this seems like a good time for STORYTIME!" exclaimed Hannibal.

And so everyone told a bunch of stories. Hannibal told about some of his favorite recipes, Waldo didn't say anything because he was hiding, Ben told a bunch of generic Creepypasta stories, L told a 30 minute long story about a candy cane he ate, Blair told about a bunch of slutty stuff, Moe screamed about some guy that cut in front of him on the road last month, DJ Octavio played some funky tunes, Karen talked about the Switch because it's her only joy in life, Linkle talked about some sex-murders she took part in and grossed everyone out what's she doing on this team she's just a psycho tingle better have a good plan behind letting her join it, and Nebby talked about hating bags. Tingle wasn't there because he was presumably working on some evil plan or something.

But one person had not said a word the entire time. "Hey Epona," said Hannibal. "We've all know Tingle for a while now, but you've known him for longer than all of us! Why did you decide to start working with him?"

Epona thought for a second.

A few years earlier:

Link AKA pure evil was at a horse race, as he forced Epona to take part in it. She was just a regular horse at the time, but Link treated her like garbage.

Dis was a lung tim ago, bech when undertail first came out (of the closet GEDDITYEKTHAHAHAH!) and everyone listened to songs like Party Ruck anthem and Gangam Style an da Hartline Shack. Ever since MatPat gave the Pope undertail, he became completely obsessed with it, changing his name from Pope Francis to Pap Sansis. He also prints out all Bibles in Comic Sans and does his religious ceremonies in full cosplay.

"CUMIN EPONYM U BETTER WIN DIS RACE OR ILL F*CKIN CUT YA MATE!" he britished even though hes not british so it was all just weird. "I BET A F*K TUN OF MUNEY ONN DIS SO U BUTTER NUT LOOSE!11"

"Hey, Link," said Navi. "Wait, what the f*ck are you eating?"

"Dese r medium rare chicken strips an dere da best!"

"That looks extremely disgusting, and you're probably going to get salmonella from them."

"Y wood i get samonalla dis is chickens nut samen!" And then the audience laughed because it was a COMPLETELY ORIGINALIL JOKE THAT I DID NOT STEAL FROM TUMBLR!

"Listen, Link! It probably would be a bad idea for you to eat that, as it is extremely under-cooked and could kill-"


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