Chapter 2: Its danjeris to go allone!

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AN: I hop yere liken my storey! You shold, cus im good at riding! Also, whi dos people think ima troll? Like the 1's that liv under briges? My parents took me too a brige wunce, but they forgetted abot mii and left me there. :(

Chapter won Recap!: Tiongle ternd evel and killede Eponda and his pappa, link tok links sord and took the sworerd, Alitha is DEAD, Melon yelled lik darth Vader, Ebony's ther two. U suck Tim!

Chaptre beggin!

Navi was tired of Link's sh*t. "Link, what's wrong with you?" "Im goona beet Tingle cus he killd my horzy!" Lenk repield. "Do you really think that you can defeat Tingle?" questioned Navi. "You don't have the Master Sword...or any other weapon for Pete's sake, besides that toy lightsaber you carry around. Why do even have that?" "its nmot a toey! It s cool and real and I can beet Turtle withh it!" link saided. "But if u incest, I gess ill get tha mester sword!" "But the Master Sword has been missing for years!" "Mebbe that old man wil help mii!" Navi remembered back before Link was this way; when the world was still a normal place.

FLASHBACK TIME! In the beginning, there were three goddesses—Din, Nayru, and Farore—who created the world of Hyrule. But unbeknown to most Hyrulean residents, there were also three goddesses of fanfiction, who would eventually end the universe. A few years back, they launched their first attack against Hyrule, terning evre thing relly stuped and craycray! Fer sum reasen Navi wasnt effected, and now she hates her life. FLASHBACK OVER!

"Link, that creepy old man lives in a cave and is eating a rat from a dumpster, so you probably should stay away from him." "Know waey! Ive got to get my sourd!"

"Old man, do u hav the mustard sword?" axed Link. "I do hav it, but ill only giv it too u if you make love two me," the old Man answerd. "Okay!" replid Lenk.

FIFTEEN MINITS LATER: "Thatt wus fun!" sed old man. "Hears yere soard!" Old man handend link a plastic sword that said Made in China on the bach. "Wow, I finale get mie swerd!" Lank saided. "Navi, loook I goted the mastur sword!" "That is obviously fake, you dimwit," retorted Navi. "How did you get it, anyway?" "I had secs with dat old guy," anserd Link. Navi picked up a glass of water, took a sip, and then spit it into Link's face. "You did WHAT!?, you...whahhh..." Navi ran behind a tree and threw up while Link stood there looking like an idiot.

Meanwhile...Malon was cryeng, when she saw Tingirl in the distince eating a dead pig! "Hay!" she yelleded. (AN: Gettit! cuz she lives on a farm and farms have hay!) Water you doin! (AN: Gettit! cuz farms have waters two!) "Im eatin some bakin, so stay away!" Tinglal whisperd loudly. "Also, i kiled yer evil clone!" "DIEEEEE!" yelld Macaroni, as she terned into Super Sayin. But then tingle through the ded pig at her and nocked her out. "i geuss il just taker kidney!" tingle hapiley exclamed. "Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!" He then drew a picture of male genitalia on Malen's face and ran off.

Navi was scarred for life after hearing about Link's sexual adventure, and she was even worse after Link showed her a video of it that Old Man posted online. She now sat shivering in the corner, hoping that soon she'll experience the sweet release of death. "Hay Navy, doo u wanna see the vidio again?" sed lenk in his obnoxisley hye pitchd vois. "I even made a GIF out off it!" Navi banged her head against the wall as hard as she could, praying to Hylia that her head will soon spit open.

Meanwhile at Tingle's evil mansion...

"Master Tingle," stated the shadowy figure. "I have obtained the device that you can use to travel between universes.

"Good..." murmured Tingle. "That means our plan shall soon be complete."

"Where do you think we shall travel to first, Lord Tingle."

"I have a little idea. There are two little fanfics I expect will be very useful to us."

Tingle typed in the names of two fanfictions into the transporting device...The first was...My Immortal! And the second was... Supper Smash Bros: Mishonh From God!?

AN: This chapter is koool! It was writed by mii, so it has two be of corse. The best part was the hay joke—it was comady gold! If anywun sez thay dont like thu story, then Tim must be puting them up too it! F U tim!

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