Chapter 4: Supper Smash Bros: Mishonh From Arnold

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AN: Hay! I'm sory that i wasent abel to update the story resentley, but I saw a picture of Tim on facebok, and it maid me to sick to right for a few weaks. But dont worry, im bach now, and il be shure to update a litle more often! Thanks for the suppert guy's, cause I have 115 views on it sew far! My next goal is 10,000 views! Just so u know, Supper Smash Bros: Mishonh From God is owned by PrincessAmerica, the game Smash Bros is owned by Masahero Sakerai (my hero!), My Immortal is owned by Tara Gilesbie, Harry Potter is owned by jay Kay Rowling, Zelda is owned by nintendow, and ths story is owned!

Chapter Threy Recap!: Link sings Andaconda, Zelda is in luv with him, Malown is to, Enoby and Sarah ar there, link kils them, Arnold Sforzando came, they travel beck in tim.

Chaptre beggin!

"Ebony Ebony!" shouted Draco sadly. "No, please, come back!"

But I was too mad.

"Whatever! Now u can go anh have sex with Vampire!" I shouted. I stormed into my room and closed my black door with my blood-red key. It had a picture of Marylin Manson on it. He looked so sexy in a way that reminded me of Draco and Vampire. I started to cry and weep. I took a razor and started to slit my wrists. I drank the blood all depressed. But sudenly, a wierd guy wearing green came in with a ferry and a terminater!

"Yere coming with us!" he shouted sexily. *BONK*


the smash mantian was a really big hose with like a gatrillion romos an was alota stories tall I was inteminated by who big it was. Suddenly someon came. It was like a robot except a person was in it.

"hai their pretty gurl" the robot person said.

"u think im pretty" I saod.

"yea ur the hotist gurl ive ever sean."

I thought it was Mister Chef from Hallo but it wasnt but I didnt no that so I cloded my eyes an mad out with robot person but when I open them its not Mastre Cheef but SAMAS ERIN!

butt behid her was Link 2 save the dai! "Yore cumin with us!" he yelded. *BONK*


Enoby and Sara woke up in Hyrele. "Whatem we doing hear?" askd Ebovy. "yea, I wasent abel two meat the smash bruthers charecters!" sayd Sara.

"Eye called you here todey caus you too are the saviers of the uvniverce!" sed lonk.

"Seems legit," they replied. "But wii bedder hurey," stated Sayra, "Cuss ive gotta help God stop the gheys!"

"Wat do u have agenst geys!"repiled Eleny, "Sensitive bi guys are so hot!"

"Beyin hobosecual is agenst God, and i knead to stop it!"

"BUt im a Staninast, so idont beleve in God!"

"Gasp...are you a librul?!"

"Gasp...are you a prepp?!"

"PREPARE TO DIE!" the duo shauted in unisen.

"That was a real idiot move, Link," stated Navi, after she escaped from her cage. "You put two polar opposite characters together and expected them to get along!"

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuse—" Lenk was interupded. "Not so fast!" yellowed ernald shortzenegger. He took off an Arneld Skopjereykjavík mask to reveal that he was actually Tingle!

"This was part of mie evel plan to take over the wolrd! Have fun!" Tinfle ran away while singing Gundam Style by PSI.

Suddenleia, the news came! "Breakin News!" yleded the news anchor, Batman. "Conservativs and Goffs have declard war on eachother, leading 2 a deadly conflict!"

"Nice job, Link," Navi groaned sarcastically.

"Thanks! Now get back intwo yore cage!"

AN: Allrate, i'm dune for today! If only Tim would stop bothering me, that sexy Asian idiot. U suck! On a Happierre note, please leave your ideas for Lator chapters in the review sexion, and I mite use it in the story. See ya spoon!

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