Chapter 5: Mishonh Impossible

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Chapter 5: Mishonh Impossible

AN: Wow, ghyes! I've gottend alot of views scents i posted last chapature, and igot som positiv reviows as well! So im goint to post a knew chapter today, and ill be using some ideahs given 2 mii from the revwews. Have fun! (I would, if Tim wasn't' living in this univerce).

Chapter Fore Recap!: Arneld sended Link to kidnap Enoby and Sara, Link kidnrapped them, Edoby and Sarah declahr war in eachother, Ahnold is actualy Tengle, and World War III has begun.

Chaptre beggin!

"all white guys, we need to thenk of a plan to end dis war!" sed Link.

"I have a plan," said Navi. "I've been planning this ever since the war had begun. I have a mole working inside of Ebony's goth castle, and he'll help me get inside, where—,"

"Shutup Nazi," yleed lonk. "We shuld listen to Zeldah, cents she hath the Tree-force of Wisdem. I'll prove it 2 you! Say somthin smart Zolda!"

"Thu electron configeration of google chromium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4!" she explaned.

"First of all," replied Navi, "It's called chromium, not google chromium. Secondly, just because you know one random fact doesn't make you a great tactician. And finally, you are holding a laptop, and I saw you searching the periodic table on Bing before saying chromium's electron configuration. Who uses Bing, anyway?"

"Yere meen!" cryed zelda. "Zeldeas rite," sid LInk. "Bing isa reely good serch engine! Now watsyour plan?" "Wheel ask them niceley to stop fiting!"

"That would obviously never work," rebutted Navi. "Ebony and Sara are too set in their ways to form a truce."

Link responded by locking up Navi in a cage. Luckily, he left the keys in the keyhole, and Navi escaped, ready to begin with her own plan.

MISHONH IMPOSSIBLE: (cue Mission Impossible music)

Navi needed to fit in if she wanted to break into Ebony's Goth (AKA "goff") Castle, so she bought some "goffic" clothing from Hot Topic, at least before it was taken over by Yoshi. And soon her plan shall be set into motion.

One epic break-in scene later:

Navi was in the main hall of off the goff castle, where Ebony was giving a speech to rally up her goff followers. "Tonite we shal figt! Wi must take bac what thos f*king prepps stole from us! An we wil also save Hot Topic!" The Hot Topic Krew could be heard cheering in the crowd.

A young goff approached Navi. "Hi, my nam is Dally Darkblood. Whats yors?"

Navi had to think for a second. "I'm...uh, Midnigh't Darken Destiny Bloody Death Raven." Navi read FaCe ThE StRaNgE and knew how violent Dally was, so she made the wise decision to stay as far away as possible.

Everything was going according to plan, at least so far. Navi had her friend Tael act as a mole, who helped her break into the castle and sneak in her super-weapon: the fanfic bomb. She found one hidden in the time-travelling ice cream truck, and she would use it to teleport every fanfic character back into their respective stories. At least, that's what would have happened.

Link walked into the goff castle, ready to start his own plan. "Hay gheys u need 2 stop fitin cuz beein goffic isnt cool an what reelly matters is Friends-ship." This didn't go over well with the goffs.

"Wel wel well," sed Enoby. "it looks lik wii hav a prepp in the casle." "Letz gettim!" yellded Goffica Sorrows, Dally Darkblood, Shadow the Hedgehog, Dark Pit, and every other goff fanfic charecter. "Załóżmy, zabić i skaleczyć ten syn plaży, a potem tańczyć na jego grobie!" yelled Jennifer O'coltimore from Harry Potter i plomien miłosci.

"Damn it," mumbled Navi. "This idiot is going to ruin my plan, but I might still have a chance to use the fanfic bomb if I do it quickly..."

Suddenly, a young boy wearing glasses flew into the room on a broomstick. "Vampire? Is dat u?" questioned Enoby.

"Yes, I am Harry Potter, but I come from another universe. My name is Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, from the Fanfiction Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, and I have come here today to end the canon-defilement known as My Immortal"

"Finally, someone with some actual sense," said Navi. Harry began to attack the goffs and save the day once and for all, until things went quickly downhill.

"im board," thouted Link. "Mabey I could threw this ball!" Link picked up the fanfic bomb and threw it right at Harry, teleporting him back to Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

"NOOOOO!" shrieked Navi. "You simpleton, Harry was going to stop the goffs, and you ruined everything! And that was my only bomb!"

"Whoopseys!" sayd Lonk as he shrugged.

The goffs would have drunk Navi and Link's blood, but a deus ex machina took place, in the form of the Conservative Army. "Dye ghay satinests!" yelled Sara.

While the two armies started a skirmish, our two protagonists were able to escape through the back.

Afew ounces later:

"i thing that today terned out realy well," siad Lenk the hero of time, walking aloneside Navi Malon and Zelda. "We literally accomplished nothing today, and it probably would've been better if we never even woke up this morning," stated Navi.

"Quiet being so pestonissic Nazi," repiled Madden. "Yeah!" said evryone eles.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure walkded up two the group! (AN: hes the same one from the end of the ferst 2 chapters! Remember? Hewas workin for tingle.)

He was...Darth Vader! "Darth Vader?!" yelled Link. "Darth Vapor?!" yelled Malen. "Darth Vadre?!" yelled Zelda. "Darth Vlader?!" yelled Bill nie the siren's guy. "Yes, I'm Darth Vaker," said Dark Vender. "Not Darth Valkyrie?!" yelled Ling. "Anething but Darth Vader!" yelled Dr. Frasier Crane. "Can you idiots just stop saying Darth Vader!?" Navi scolded.

"By the way," sad Darth Namor, "Im acterally someone else!"

Garth Raider took of his mask to reveal that he was.....Epona?!

"Link, I am your horsy!"

AN: What a twist! I bet u canned wait 2 see what happins next! I needle to giv thanks to the fanfic riders who's fafictens i used in todays story. Dis is my longest chaper yet! Bi the way, The Hot Topic Krew is owned by GeneralDarkPit, FaCe ThE StRaNgE is owned by unbeatenduck, Goffik Blood is owned by XXXDarkBlooddXXX, and Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is owned by Eliezer Yudkowsky. And no thanks 2 tim, who I dont like. that meany. Plz leave sugestens in the commints for other Fanflics i should use in the story. Ill see u gues next time. Piece out!

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