Chapter 20: Mashpotato Samurai

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Chapter 20: Mashpotato Samurai

AN: OMG!11111 MerchantAnna likes my story 2! That meens thet I hav the apprervel of both Hot Topic Krew alters! Thank u sew muuch! I luv u. Bi the way, weer allredy 2 chapper 20! Figures crossed that Wii ken mike it too 40! (I hope tim doest make it 2 40 years!)

Chapter Nindeen Recap!: They banged, The End.

Chaptre beggin!

A majestic, beautiful creature was working on his next video game. The creature's name was Masahiro Sakurai, an immortal god/game designer.

"Honey, hurry up with what you're doing! Your food's getting cold," yelled Pit from Kid Icarus.

"I'll try to hurry up, my little Pitty Pat, but I have to finish working on something!" Sakurai and Pit were dating, which is the real reason why he includes so many Kid Icarus characters in Smash.

"Meow," said a cat.

"You know that you don't have to stay in your cat form all of the time?" Sakurai questioned.

"Yes, but this cat form is f*cking adorable." said the cat. Sakurai's cat, Fukura (Also known as Fukurashi) is an all-powerful eldritch abomination, who disguises himself as a cat for the lulz. (AN: I'm party sure the cats a he.) Being an immortal creature whose true form is unable to be comprehended by puny human brains, Fukura came to Sakurai, as he was the only other god that he could find. They are now best friends and partners in game design.

To show how powerful Sakurai's cat is, here is a list of some of his accomplishments:

1. He ate Bigley in one bite and was perfectly fine afterwards.

2. He beat Mega Primal Arceus in an arm-wrestling contest.

3. He existed long before the universe even existed. Rumor has it that he inhabits the multiverse, and can freely travel between universes.

4. He was originally going to be a fighter in Smash, but since he's humble, he didn't want to take up a character slot. Awww, so humble.

5. HE'S F*CKING ADORABLE! Just look at him!

6. His cat penis can expand at any point to become bigger than Bigley.

7. His true name cannot be pronounced.

8. This isn't even his final form!

9. He has a religion about him, called Fukurism, in which he is worshipped like the god he is.

10. He was actually the one who killed Hitler.

Okay, that list barely touches his true power, but it's good enough for now. Back to the story!

Sakurai finished working on his new game, Super Smash Brothers Five: I'm Giving Up on the Names, so he decided to play some Zelda just for fun. But something was wrong with the game. "What the hell?!" he angrily yelled.

"What's wrong Sakurai-senpai?" Fun fact!: Fukura is secretly in love with Sakurai.

"This game is completely f*cked up! Link is an idiot, Tingle is a cannibal, and fanfic characters are everywhere! I've got to go into the game and put a stop to this nonsense!"

Fukara opened a portal with his god-powers to travel into Zelda.


Link wuss beein an a-hole like userall. He was burning down Kokiri Forest for the evulz. Navi didn't notice because Link drugged her drink that morning. Luckily, Navi soon woke up. "Ugh, I have such a headache. Wait, is that a fire! We've got to do something!"

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