Chapter 19: Love at first sight 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Chapter 19: Love at first sight 2: Electric Boogaloo

AN: Maxaa ilaa waa, kuwa khasaaray. After showing the last chapter to one of my friends (which Tim isn't), it has come to my attention that maybe Love at first sight wasn't the perfect literary masterpiece that I originally believed it was, since it is only uses beige prose. So, to fix this error, I am going to rewrite the original story, but I'll make sure that it is of higher quality. And do not worry, readers, as I will be back to the main story soon. These chapters are totally not filler. WARNING: This chapter has some smut, whatever that is.

Chapter Ateen Recap: They banged, The End.

Chaptre beggin!

Hermione and Snape were situated in a Hogwarts auditorium, and Hermione's peers were currently being lectured by the middle-aged pedagogue. "I have an utmost need for vehement coitus," Snape declared.

"Yes, I concur with that utterance, Professor Snape," ejaculated the juvenile witch. "Coitus is a desideratum of mine, and I cannot spend another moment without being engaged in perfervid lovemaking."

And so...















They banged.

The End

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