Chapter 36: Squid or Kid

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Chapter 36: Squid or Kid

AN: Hoy i Wendt too Metrocon in Tampa! In Meteorcon Tempo, I did a bunch off cool stuffs! I dresed ip as a Inklang squiddy! But I also had 2 miss da fennel Slutfest in Slutoon! At least Marii wun! Teem Mary! I liek da yere a squeed yere a keed song a bunch! You're a kid now! You're a squid now! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're a squid! You're a kid! You're definitely not Tim, though, cause he be stupid. Dumb timmy. Squids and other Sefliepods are cool but tim isnt.

Chapter Therdyfiev Recap!: Lank and Navy tank aboot da baboes, navi wants 2 but da baobys up 4 adopted, lonk wants 2 keep dem, malen gets mad but feelz butter when she ghets 2 mutilate Zelda's body, that green guy tries 2 but the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabys in da micowave, navi trees 2 stpop him, she nocks him oot and saevs da bebbs, Beel and Teed tak da bobbies bach in tim, loink fines fish sticks, Malon does corpse art, and chrum steels da fishick.

Chaptre beggin!

Lonk was playin his fav gaem, Slutoon! "I heave an ideal!" hella kittened. "I ken ghogh intwo Spleliin an get da grate zepfish to give us Powers dat can beet Tinhle!"

"And how do you expect we go inside Splatoon?" Navi questioned.

"Liek dis!" Link exclammed, throwing a random portal opener at the TV, sucking them both inside!


"Where am I," Navi said as she woke up.

"Wear in Inkerpolis!"


"Yepsadoodles, i terlaperted us dere, and know wii jest knead 2 get da greet Zeepfishy."

But den, da teevee came on! On it was Callee an Marii, da squiid sisters!

Callie: Hold on to your tentacles...

Marie: It's Inkopolis News time!

Callie: Before we reveal today's stages, some special news!

Marie: What is it? What is it?!

Callie: We've received word from... on high.

Marie: You don't mean...?!

Callie: That's right! There's going to be a Splatfest soon!

Marie: OOH! What's the theme? What's the theme?!

Callie: Just a moment! The theme is descending as we speak!

Marie: Let's see it! Let's see it!

Callie: Aaaand it's here! We've got the Splatfest theme!

Marie: Let's hear it! Let's hear it!

Callie: All right then, I'll announce the theme!

Marie: *gulp*...

Callie: The theme for the upcoming Splatfest is...

Marie: Wait for iiiiiit...

Crack vs Heroin!

Callie: Yes! I've always wanted to do this one!

Marie: Of course you did.

Callie: On one side, our favorite powdery substance! No, not powdered sugar...CRACK!

Marie: And on the other, the only injection that anyone would ever want...HEROIN!

Marie: So Callie, what drug do you like the best?

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