Chapter 15: My Inner Death

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Chapter 15: My Inner Death

AN: Im steel really happi about GeneralDark Pit! If u are reeding this, just no that I luv u! Heart Emoji. Somewun ho I don lov is Timb. Hes properly part of the Cute Toot House! This chapper will be abut a chacter who hasent ben inthe story for a wile, so I hop u

Chapter Forteen Recap!: Genelar Dak Pit likes me, PUT THIS FANFIC ON TV TROPES, and F*CK YOU!

Chaptre beggin!

A few munths ago:

Malon just wok up from sleping. "Yawn," she yawned. "I mustof been realy sic, cus I sleped 4 days. Now i budder get 2 the store so that i ken git some breakfest, cuz i want some scrambled eggs all over mah face."

Melon went 2 opan the dore, but it wooden budge! "Hay!" she yeled. (Geddit! Because she lovs on a farm and farms have hay!) "I wanted some tossed salads and scrambled eggs!"

She looked out the windew, only 2 see that a land slid covered up her hose, and someone bult a scool over it! She cold hear a suthern acsent speaking. "I knew this would be a wonderful place to rebuild the Hogwarts School of Prayers and Miracles. Now we can finally spread the good word of God again!"


Layder thad day:

Megon was watting Jersay Shar on the tv on her tv. "Att lest I hav tv!" she said about her tv.

Sudently, the tv an the rest of the lectriciy went of! She eherd a vouce abov grond. "Alright, my children. To prove our love of God, we will go without electricity for a month!"


A few weaks letter:

Meden was stucked in her hous, and she was goin a little crazy. Her only sores of food was codroaches and caprisun. One day she foun a direly, tidled My Inner Life. "Watt's dis?" she questionated.

Cents she didont have anithang elsa 2 do, she despided 2 reed it. It was about this girl named Jenna who was in luv with Lonk! "How can she bee in luv with ilink! Im the only 1 who ken lov him!"

Malfoy kept readin. She started starting to hate her eithen more! By the tim that she funished reding the dairy, she was completely batsh*t insane. "NO ONE CAN LOAVE TLINK BOOT MII! I MUST KILL THAT LYER GENO!"

Maths passed, and Merlin was still batsh*t insane. Suddenly she heard somthi upstars!

"Oh, no! It's that goth demon again! Run, my children! RUN!"

A rocket launcher blewed up the Hogwarts School of Prayers and Mirrorcoals! when it blowed up, a hole was blowed in Mesons hose, settin her frey!

She cralled her way out of the holl. "IM FREY!" she scrammed. "IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

But sudantly, someone waled up! It was...Enoby! "Hay, u lock lik a prep! Preper 2 dye!"

Ebomy was about 2 blow Malon, when she spied something begind her. "Is dat a Hot Topik? I luv Hat Topok!" she ran into the store and Malaren got aweigh.

A few minuets later:

Jenna was sitting next to her shrine to Link. "Oh, my love. I know that you are busy adventuring right now, but I know that you'll be back soon, because you are my king, and I am your queen!"

Jenna turned around, only to see Malon standing behind her. "Oh, hi Malon! What brings you here today?"

"So, ou thing that u r in luv with Link?"

"Yes, we're soulmates!"

"Wel, noone can have him but me!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, yule see." Malon opened up a cage to reveal a tiger inside! "So I herd that u find tiggers sexy. Well, hears on in person. It hasent eaten in days."

"Wow, that is sexy!" said Jenna, before the tiger tore into her flesh.


Cia was walking around the mall. "At least I'm finally over that f*cker Link."

"Wait," said Malon, who just happened to be walking by when she said that. "You used to like Lonk?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Dye, fatty!" Malen said, shooting Cia in the head.

"Today was so much fun!" Mayan sed.

She walked all tha way bach home. "Now," she wispered, "I can finaly get raveng on the true villain...Zelda!"

Meanwhale...The Hot Topic Krew was having a funeral for Cia. Ebony was playing My Immortal on the blackpipes (goff bagpipes). "You will be missed, Cia," said Robin, almost in tears.

"F*ck this!" said Mewtwo, who flew away to get to some killing.

Later at Tingerls castell:

A boy walked up to Tingle, so tinge pulled a gun on him. "My nam is Dark Yagami!"

"Wait, I thought you died!" said Tingle.

"Whenever I dye, I always seam to come back in a few minuts. It used 2 be comfusing, but im used to it now."


"BUt anyways, i found this Every thing note, which can do everything. Ill sell it 2 u for some money!"

"If that note can do everything, then why don't you just create money with it?"

"Oh, mayby i didn't think this one threw."

Tingle shot Dark and took the note. "Yes! Now the infinite power is MINE! Mwahahahahah!"

A cat ran up, snatched the note and ran away. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Tingle catechized.

AN: that s all 4 today! Bi the way, i posted a poll on my profile page! It askes who is your favorite chaerectre in the store! (certainly nut tim!) Plz tell mii, and stay tunneed 4 nex chap!

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