Chapter 46: Switch Things Up

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Chapter 46: Switch Things Up

AN: hOI, guys! disa caphter wiont bee as long, butte I wanked to introdeuce a nether neu cherecter 2 da fffanfuction, dat u mai resonate from a ceratin trailer/meme! And onto more important news, it looks like my fanfic is getting more and more popular! Seriously guys, you must be really f*cked up for reading this story for so long. Anyway, cutielinkle started doing commentary on my fanfic on their DeviantArt page! Be sure to check it out, as it's been very funny so far! Someone that isn't funny is Tim, but it would be funny if he DIED! But thank you for your support, guys! I feel like my fic is actually starting to become slightly notable! Maybe even notable enough to get a TV Tropes page! A guest suggested that I could make my own TV Tropes page for it, so I tried making one myself, but then I realized I was bad at editing and couldn't figure it out. If anyone here is a troper, maybe one of you could help make an article for me, as I have no idea how to do it. Leave a comment telling me that you started a page, and then I'll add some tropes myself. Hopefully we can get a page started, as that will probably increase the story's popularity!

Chapter Fordyfiev Recap!: Linkles there, killser gramma, kidnaps egg, wants 2 find reel link, goes on RODE TRIPP, she axes bar tender four defections, an Epona is trekking her down with Tonkgle!

Chaptre beggin!

One day Tingle was at his SUPER SECTET CLEB HOUSE When...Someone noked on the doore!


"Calm down, MOE!11111111111111111" DJ Octavio said as hammily as possible.

"Yeah," said Blair, "Maybe it's someone cute I can "play" with! Meow!"

"You people are disgusting," L remarked, inhaling pixie sticks with a straw.

Ben was trapped holding onto the chandalure because he wanted to hang up scarry Descartesrations 2 scare people with and Waldo was somewhere hidden. Also, Epona was being as Darthy as she usually is, but after seeing Rogue One, she started making terrible jokes to be more like the real Darth Vader until everyone got really sick of it after an hour and she stopped.

"Mmph mlghmghph!" Hannibal explained with his mouth full of a dead guy.

"Tingle thinks we should open up the door, Tingle Tingle Kooooooooooolooooooooo LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" said the leader of the bunch, you know his coconut gun is finally back to fire in spirts. Then Tinlge opend up the doroe, and some chick jumped out! She was holding a Nintendo Switch.

"My name is...KAREN! And I am here to join the Tingling Sensation!" (AN: Remember her? She's some person from the trailer for the Switch, and then she became a meme for some reason! Look her up if you don't know who she is.) "I'm gonna...SWITCH THINGS UP!"

"Why would we let you join our team?" asked Hannibal.

"I'll let you play the Switch with me!"

"Please, we don't need your video games, we have a life!"

"Really?" replied the Switch enthusiast.

"No, but we don't let any loser join our team!" yelled Ben from the chandaleer revistas.

"But we let Blair join our team," stated L. "Isn't that the lowest it can get?"

"Oh, yeah I forgot!" excldeurd Handlebars. "Welcome to the team!"

Tingle danced up with his fairy dance while dressed as sealer moan. "You'll make a great addition to Tingle's tingly team!" Then they all went to play with Karen, but then Tinlge got all evilly and said, "Good, just as I expected. It is all going according to plan."



"goood i now no were dis faek heero of herule is!" yeled Leenkle. "Al i had 2 dew was keeep walkeng in a bucnch of diff derections and i new id find him ebenguially! And know Ill...KIL HIM!"

"Good..." whispered Tingle in the distance. "This is ALSO going according to plan!"


AN: ORMG GUYS WAT IS TENGA PLANNING?! By the way, stay tuned for a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE twist next chapter OR MAYBE A LATER CHAPTER I DONT KNOW!1111 I mean, the twist is so big that if it was assigned a number based off of the size of the twist, then the number would be almost as big as a number that would be assigned to Tim based on how stupid he is which must be an insanely huge number, so if the twist's largeness number is close to Tim's stupidness number, then the twist must be the BESt TWIST EVER! Also, I found out that Super Smash Brothers Fanfiction posted another one of those fanfic quote picture things on Tumblr from my story, so be sure to check that Tumblr account to see it! Andaya, stay tuna fort the nexus chapped wih the Hugh tweets, and as you say in Spanish, raque pes un salutare!

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