~~~MissBartram : Brooksworth Academy

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Yayyy another interivew! :DD Finally i'm uploading!

Most of the books that i read on wattpad, when i made an account, were student/teacher stories hehe. I stumbled upon Brooke's wonderful story Brooksworth Academy,it was MUCH!!! different than all of the other student/teacher stories. It has a great plot. it has action, and of course Romance :) it's definitely an interesting book! if i was u i would TOTALLY read it! :D She ended the first book on July 20,2011...Booksworth Academy has 69,786 reads, those of u who read the book Brooksworth Academy and then unfanned her thinking it's finished and didn't read the author's note,let me tell u there is a sequel and it's twice as GOOD! :) read it!!! :DDDD Definitely worth a try! :D BTW Brooke i love ur book's cover it's great!! :D

Today's song is Cough Syrup by Young the Giant! OHMYGOSH i'm in love with this song!! so much! :D

Thankyou Brooke soo much...and also thankyou for fanning me! :)


What is your name?

Brooke Nicole Bartram

How old are you?


What inspired you to write your first book?

This question is actually a lot harder than it should be. Ummm, I first started off writing fanfiction about Doctor Who because my mum bought me a load of the BBC Doctor Who books one time and I really liked the idea of being able to have the Doctor go on adventures that I had made up for him. But after that I really wanted to write my own kind of thing and have a whole bunch of characters that I could call my own, that were just as detailed and layered as the Doctor. Luckily for me, I already had an idea for a kind of story I wanted to write but I wasn’t too sure on whether I could pull off writing a completely original story. But after some encouragement from one of my friends, I just kind of dove in head first.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

This is going to sound so cliché, but my all-time favourite author has to be J.K Rowling. Partly because I grew up reading Harry Potter and partly because the sheer amount of detail and thought she put into the series is amazing. She came up with literally every detail of most of the character’s lives and managed to make a whole world that came out of her head so believable. It really is quite extraordinary.

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

Forbidden romance is a big one for me. There’s just something about it that I really like and enjoy writing about. I think it’s the coming up with situations that can make their relationship even more complicated bit that I like the most.

Do you see writing as a career?

I really respect writers that have actually managed to make it big and become well-known names, but as a career for me personally? No, I don’t think so. I’ve always wanted to do something to do with science (mainly chemistry) career wise when I’m older. Writing has always been something I do for fun and because I like it, not to make a job out of it. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t love to have it as a career, because I would, but it’s just not something that I can see myself having as a main kind of thing.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

I’m going to have to say J.K Rowling because she’s my favourite author and her writing style is really good. But I’d also say Ally Carter (author of the Gallagher Girls series) because I love how she developed the ‘voice’ of Cammie in her books and I think she’d be really great to work with.

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

I do use some real-life facts, yeah. For example, the A levels Hazel is taking are the ones I’m taking and some of the conversations that I write Hazel having with Tristan and Charlotte are more or less the conversations I have with my friends. Some of the other characters, as well, are kind of mash ups of people I know from school and I may have used some of my teachers names in Brooksworth Academy because I couldn’t think of any other teachery sounding names… :P

Did you ever think you'd be where you are right now?

Sitting in my bedroom doing homework and attending sixth form? Yeah, I totally saw that one coming. That whole thing has been part of my education plan since I was seven. Wattpad-wise? Not for one minute. The fact that people actually like my writing and want me to write more stuff completely astounds me to end.

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

It happens to the best of us, so don’t worry too much. Just give it a couple of days for your creative tank to recharge. If you still can’t think of anything then, go for a walk in your local park or somewhere really nice and calming and let your mind wander.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Occasionally I do, but I tend to plan my stories out way in advance so I’ll be stuck on what’s going to happen in a chapter that’s, like, five chapters ahead of the one I’m currently writing. So, most of the time I just give it a couple of days and then revisit where I was up to with my planning and usually something pops into my head. If that fails, one of my best friends comes round and we sit in my room with ice cream and brain storm stuff random stuff that can happen. For some reason, ice cream seems to help…a lot :D

Do you have any advice for other writers?

No matter how much you think you suck at writing, you’re seriously not as bad as you think you are. Once you get a good idea, just run with it and don’t second guess any decisions you make with it. You’re not going to please everyone and it’s your story so do what you want with it.

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Half of my story lines and backstories to characters, I come up with in the shower. Most people think about deep and meaningful stuff, I come up with half of a story. What else? Oh, I can recite the first twenty elements from the periodic table, pi and the square root of pi (to the first nine decimal places) from memory. And if when I’m talking on msn, meebo or texting, I use a lot of emoticons and smilies … :D

How would you describe yourself?

Strange. I don’t know if it comes across when I write, but if you ever talk to me in person, I’m just really weird. I think it’s more to do with the way I talk because I phrase things differently than how you would typically. Like instead of saying “oh that was funny” I’ll be like “Well, I found that highly entertaining”. Apart from strange, I’d go with fairly intelligent (if my GCSE results are anything to go by) and friendly :D


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