~~~JadedRein : For Hating Me You Sure Are Possessive

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Listen to the song--->>> On the floor by Jennifer Lopez :)

Thankyou Stefani! :)


What is your name?

My real name? Stefani. Or Stef, or Steffi. But I still have lots of friends online who call me Jade!

How old are you?

I'm 19, 20 in September. 

What inspired you to write your first book?

I've always loved writing. Always. My first full book was called "Readen's War." It was about tribes of the five elements, and the air tribe that planned to take over. It centered around Raeden, and mainly the war prospect of the book. My best friend at the time, Colleen, and I came up with the idea furing one of the imagination games we used to play!

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

I'd have to say I like Mark Z. Danielewski the best. His writing is so intricate, so out there and simply mesmerizing!

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

I like to write adventure/fantasy the best. I usually only post my teen drama/romance ones though. Saving all my other work for real publishing! 

Do you see writing as a career?

I do and I don't. I know I couldn't make it a career. I like manual labor and customer service too much! But I do see it as a closet career, something I can make money off of but not have be my main source of income. 

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Im not to sure. It's difficult to work with someone when writing! But I suppose I'd pick Alison Goodman. I loved her books Eon and Eona, and her style feels like one I'd be able to keep up with! 

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

I do. All the time. I work in tons of real life scenes, comments and places. I alter things a little, but half of the things in all my stories I've either been through or witnessed!

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

Yes, I knew it for quite a while. I first started posting on quizilla in just 4th grade. I was popular then and it just took me a little time to get back into the online posting community, but here I am, popular once more!


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What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Don't force it. Try watching a new movie,show, reading a new book or spending time with friends. You'll never know where an idea will strike you! The more you try the bigger the block will be. 

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Not so much writers block as writer's fatigue. I always have countless things to write. I have at least 20 more stories going on I don't post on wattpad! My problem is I run out of the will to get the words from my head onto the computer. My mind works faster than my fingers ever will. Usually I just take a breather and let myself find the mood again. I can't search for it or it'll just run further away. 

Do you have any advice for other writers?

I have a bunch! Always write what you think works best, don't write based off people's comments. Make sure you characters have both flaws and skills. If they aren't believable they aren't as fun to read about in my humble opinion! Also; tie in little details throughout the story!

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Let's see. I'm addicted to Dragon's Dogma already! I love rpg games to an unreal extent. Also, I love tattoos. I currently have four and plan on getting plenty more. One of them is the Joker, so I wasn't kidding when in my profile I said I like batman!

How would you describe yourself?

I'm bubbly, random, complex, a dreamer and I am good at being whoever I think you want me to be. I'm a deceptive and slippery person, watch out. <3


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