Chapter 119 - Battle Of Centuries

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The girl waved her left hand and the mark for 'Spirit' appeared hovering above her palm. Space cracked and distorted, gathering around and compressing the glowing symbol as if even the fabrics of space were mere moths gathering around a bright flame. "Let's go back to my battle. I had prepared thoroughly, revising my plans over and over until I felt confident that I could achieve victory." The girl pointed at the strange events occurring above her palm. "The plan would revolve around my Dogma: by using my ability to bend space, I would create a bubble of space around my opponent and trap him within..." 

Cheng Hao squinted his eyes as a bright light was emitted. When it faded, a small bubble had come to form where the space had previously been destabilising. It was extremely small, however by looking inside it, Cheng Hao could see that it housed within a vast amount of space; such a small bubble held within what could be defined as a whole other dimension! 

"That bubble would be a pocket dimension connected to the outside world - our world - only through a very thin tunnel, like some kind of safety line to keep it anchored to me and this universe. However, once I would have ensured that my opponent was trapped within..." The bubble suddenly disappeared! In its place, a small spatial rift screeched as it began to close. The bubble, on the other hand, was completely gone. As its only tie to this world, the small tunnel, had been shattered, it was as if it had never existed in the first place! "Boom. Off she would have gone into nothingness!" Xu Ling chuckled. She raised her head and couldn't help but smile smugly after seeing Cheng Hao's expression had changed greatly.

In his eyes was now incredible awe as well as fear: in just a few breaths, this person had created a whole pocket dimension and had severed its contact with its universe, essentially erasing it from this reality! The ability to create and erase! It was truly an ability that would make even Gods pale in fright. After all, no matter how strong one was, if he were to be thrown into a whole different universe, hollow and devoid of any other matter except for space itself... No matter if one were invincible or immortal, the thought of that situation alone would be enough to make even the strongest cultivator shiver in terror, as it would be like completely erasing someone from existence! It could be said this ability was the bane of all Immortal beings!

"Impressive ability, isn't it?" Xu Ling chuckled. She sighed and looked at her hand with reminiscence. "My late master, a former Spirit, had also been amazed when he had first heard of its properties. Despite it being only a Bend-tier ability, if used correctly, its power would have been enough to rival any and all other Dogmas, even completely outclassing the Will-tier series!" The girl grinned gloatingly. "Because of it, I had no doubt I would be able to win this battle! If I just closed in and were able to stop the bitch's movements for a second and then trapped her within that bubble... victory would have been mine!"

The young girl's grin then turned into a mask of anger; she gritted her teeth and slapped her thighs, glaring at her own body with despise as she spat out, "The bitch however was powerful... much stronger and faster than I could have ever imagined! Let alone pin her down for a second; it was already hard enough to just stay alive! Logic and instinct told me to run, however, after coming to challenge this opponent myself, how could I possibly turn back?" Xu Ling then gazed at Cheng Hao as she seemed to notice something about the red-skinned youth. She looked at him for a while with interest and then opened her mouth to speak, almost in a trance, "Pride is a terrible beast... it is what hinders many great geniuses from rising to the very top. If you were to choose between humiliation and death, remember that, with time, any wound inflicted on your spirit can either be healed or avenged. Death however, cannot be healed. Remember these words, child. There will always be a way for those who keep fighting..." after speaking those words, Xu Ling fell silent and looked at herself with pity and contempt.

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