Chapter 57 - Newfound Power

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Cheng Hao firmly grasped Megalodon with his two hands as he stared towards the group of nine people in front of him. The blade crackled with lightning as the illusion of a gigantic whale appeared coiling around his body: it was none other than the illusory body of Megalodon, the Ruler of the Storms and the sinker of ships!

Great pressure forced the nine people to use all of their strength in order to be able to stand straight, and this was all because of the single weapon, it was not even the real one but a mere copy of the original, born through the sacrifice of thousands of souls.

Dagger gritted his teeth below the helmet "Damn it! We can't even hit him! He is not agile, he is not using his great speed nor does he have some sort of enhancing technique... He simply is at the perfect place at the perfect time, as if he knew exactly where he should be to dodge an attack coming from a blind spot! Our weapons cannot even hope to catch him!"

Behind the group of eight, Veil clenched her hands "Damn... If only I could help..." her red eyes burned with anger... But it was not tied to the fact that one of her brothers had been slain! Strangely enough, she had long since forgotten all about Fist.

No, the reason she was angry was because of something else: she only felt powerless and was angry against herself for not being powerful enough!

Truth was that, although they called each other brothers, they simply were part of the same group. Some were closer than others, but only few were real siblings.

Veil glared at the young boy with dazzling golden eyes and long black hair, her eyes full of hatred, envy and despair. She felt hateful because of her powerlessness, envy because of the power Cheng Hao was showing and despair because she knew that, if he were to target her, nobody would be able to stop him!

Cheng Hao stretched his waist and then smiled "Well now, isn't this just so much fun?" He chuckled and swung Megalodon once "This little guy is so amazing! The Seven Summoned Leviathans are just too great when fighting Mortals! They are simply above comprehension. After all, gravity, space, future, past, present, life and death are not stuff anyone with the lowly cultivation of the Mortal realm is capable of understanding..."

Suddenly, his expression darkened "Still, it is not enough! I cannot attack and dodge at the same time, and you guys are simply not giving me time to retaliate properly!" He sighed as he caressed the massive halberd "You are making this beautiful piece of art look like a useless stick!"

He looked up at the battle in the sky and saw Lao Jianghu clearly had the upper hand, Yin Hei was giving it his all, but the Glowing Longsword was simply too overpowered, it cut through the monster's tough hide as if it were tofu!

Cheng Hao grinned "Looks like he is going to end this soon! Well, I guess I ought to stop playing as well..." he let go of Megalodon and made a strange hand seal.

The weapon flashed with bright grey light and then it slowly began to fall apart, sparks of light flew up in the dark sky nonstop until the weapon had disappeared completely.

Greatsword suddenly had a weird feeling and he clenched his weapon tightly "Watch out everyone! Something is wrong!" His red eyes widened as he focused his five senses into catching the slightest movement the boy could make.

Cheng Hao smiled as he ripped off the upper part of his robe "This is quite comfortable, but it is way too impractical during battle, it slows down movement too much. I have to remember to tell Bi Liang about it..."

When his toned muscles and well developed upper body appeared, it stunned the people looking at him: this was in no way the body of a eight years old... Well, actually, the only thing about Cheng Hao truly resembling a child was his face, height and tone of voice, so that was not too shocking.

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