Chapter 13 - Dao Enlightenment!

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"There are many possible ways a Martial Way can be used in battle. One example is the Martial Avatar that you saw before, a supporting ability that weakens your enemies and enhances your strength. Some Martial Ways though, can be used in accordance with some secret skills and cultivation techniques as a weapon. Your Xiao clan's Purple Moon and Black Dragon and White Tree Scriptures are an example of the latter category..."

Cheng Hao winked "Just so you know mine has both categories!"

Seeing Xiao Wu's pout the boy quickly added "Although I may be able to, once you reach an higher cultivation, you should then gain the ability to modify your own Martial Way to be both as well, so don't worry!"

Xiao Wu laughed seeing her brother's struggle at her pout and then asked "Then how can I use my Martial Way in accordance with the Purple Moon and Black Dragon and White Tree Scripture?"

Cheng Hao smiled and mysteriously said "That is something you will have to discover yourself! I cannot help you with that or it will lose any additional effect you might gain through self enlightenment!"

Goldy yawned and pointed out "Your just tired of explaining all this, aren't you"

Cheng Hao's mysterious countenance became one of anger as it threw the snake inside a pot. The snake struggled for a bit but was unable to lift the lid and thus could do nothing but insult the youth "Cheng Hao, you bastard! Release me at once!"

A red faced Cheng Hao sat on top of the the pot's lid and resumed his lecture "Now, for the scripture! You better note it down because I won't repeat it a second time! Very well! Now listen carefully!"

Cheng Hao jumped down from the pot and entered a meditative stance. From then he raised his right arm and pointed his opened right hand upwards, the left arm instead was bent downwards so that the tips of his fingers touched the ground. A hazy black dragon appeared coiled around the right arm while the  youth's body seemed to turn into the white tree itself, the fingers of his left hand being the roots, the arms the trunk, while the right hand pointing upwards where the branches.

Xiao Wu observed and noted his every movement and suddenly she began writing because, although Cheng Hao's mouth didn't open and his eyes were hazy as if he was sleeping, words could still be clearly heard and the voice was undoubtedly the boy's.!

"The Black Dragon that is Pride, The White Tree that is Forgiveness.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

The Black that is Anger and the Dragon that is Power, The White that is Kindness and the Tree that is Strength.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

To Avenge and to Forgive, To use power for oneself, To use your power for others.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

To be the Dragon and devour the offenders, To be the Tree and forgive any harm.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

Power and Strenght, Anger and Kindness, Black and White.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

Power and Anger, Strenght and Kindness, no more Black, no more White.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

Black. White. Black And White.

Two opposites are not equals, yet one can be both.

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