Chapter 110 - A Sovereign Walks Alone...

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As the cracks spread, Cheng Hao looked at them coldly: just as he had previously feared, the path was slowly collapsing! However, there was no turning back now! And, after all, he couldn't possibly go after seeing what he saw!

With a harrumph, Cheng Hao increased his speed even further! Pushing his body to his limit, he suddenly burst forward with unprecedented speed.

Behind him, the illusory pair of wings spanning thousands of feet grew solid as Cheng Hao's speed grew to such an extent that not even an afterimage was left: this was speed granted to him by the Roc's Blessing, a speed that was unrivalled beneath the Heavens!

Even stronger winds rose up, battering the earth. The speed was such that the land in the surrounding hundreds of miles from Cheng Hao's position had become completely bare, wiped clean from any and all vegetation that could have easily been found just a little earlier.

With its speed increasing, the force the wind carried had also multiplied. While earlier the currents could not even approach the Divine Earth King's body, at the moment the gargantuan turtle was struggling to keep its foothold.

While the turtle form squatted on the ground, somehow managing not to be lifted off the ground, the snake hissed and then wrapped around the bodies of the two other Divine Kings, shielding them from the hurricane. The black and golden-feathered bird delved its talons deep into the mountain, struggling to hold on.

"What's with this wind? It's too strong!" Ren Bai yelled, her hair fluttering madly along with the air currents, getting in her mouth as she spoke.

"What? I can't hear you, the wind is too strong!" Ren Long of course had no such problem as his scalp was as devoid of hair as it could be. However, due to the wind carrying away the woman's words, he could not hear what she was saying.

""What are you guys talking about? We can't hear you, this wind is just too strong!"" The gargantuan Divine Earth King struggled to make his own voice heard, but even his loud roars were carried away from the wind.

Meanwhile, up above, Cheng Hao's sudden burst allowed him to safely reach the end of the shattering pathway. His body covered in bruises and cuts due to his imperfect control over wind, the youth cursed as he saw the exit of the path in front of him had almost been completely swallowed by the vortex.

At the same time however, his eyes fell on the figure surrounded by a faint, azure light... his burst in flames, his whole body transformed into a flaring meteor as his speed increased even more!

Damn rift... don't you even think about taking this person away!

In an instant he was still far away, the next he was bursting forward even faster, his body covered in even more bruises and cuts such that a trail of the crimson liquid had formed behind him!

Like the jaws of a beast, the exit shrunk in size even more until it was barely enough for a single person to pass through... it was at this moment that Cheng Hao reached the exit to the collapsing path!

"OUT! OF! MY! FUCKING! WAY!" Like a meteor, he burst through the small hole and into the clearance created by the symbols' explosion. He immediately headed over to the figure surrounded in an azure glow, not slowing down even for a second as he caught her in his arms...

Her body was as light as a feather. Her hair was long and the strands were a deep, night blue color. Her features were exquisite despite her young age. Her skin was also fair and it had no trace of imperfections.

She was sound asleep, her expression peaceful as if she was not aware of what was going on outside, of the predicament that she was facing.

As he looked at the young girl in his arms, Cheng Hao felt as if his throat had been tied into a knot, tears of blood falling from his eyes. Inside his head, a certain scene was playing out...

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