Chapter 71 - The Will Of The Sovereign!

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As Cheng Hao floated in midair: surrounded by the golden breeze, his robes and hair fluttering, his eyes golden and the bright symbol for Soul glowing on his forehead, Cheng Hao resembled what an emperor amongst the gods should be like!

He opened his mouth, and five voices imposed each other: they were the voice of a young child, of a boy, of a middle aged man, of an old man and of a man muttering his last breath.

Each of them exuded incredible pressure but, the most extraordinary thing was that each of these voices apparently belonged to Cheng Hao! His past, his present and his future self all spoke together, making the whole world tremble from their might!

"We Art The Lord. We Art Thou's Sovereign. Art Thou Our Friend? We Shalt Free Thou Of Fate's Chains!" The golden eyed Cheng Hao spread open his arms as if he was embracing the whole world within. He closed his eyes and his whole appearance was that of a benevolent deity showing the way to the weak mortals.

Then his eyes opened and they burned with anger "Art Thee Our Enemy? Dost Thee Dare Go Against Our Will? The Will That Burns So Bright That It Support The Mountain?"

His eyes glowed even brighter, and a green glow also appeared within its pupils "No! Wether Thee Art A God Or Devil, Life Or Death, Thee Dost Not Dare!"

Cheng Hao clenched his fists and then spoke, his voice reverberating in each person's mind like thunder. They knew that the words that were about to be spoken were going to shake the world!

"No... Thou Dost Not! Because Ours Is..."

Cheng Hao's golden eyes shone with dazzling golden light while the character Líng on his forehead seemed to catch fire as it transformed into a flaming crown of white and golden flames.


As soon as these words came out of the child's mouth, the character for Soul 灵 glowed even brighter and soon, the whole world became a world of light, in the middle of it all being Cheng Hao himself!.

The air then seemed to crack open as the figure of Yin Hei reappeared in that ocean of light, his expression one of intense terror.

"This... What is this?" He muttered as his eyes blankly stared ahead: he could feel Cheng Hao's presence everywhere in that blinding golden light.

He could feel the boy's Will everywhere and he felt... That if that Will were to command this world to shatter, it would do so immediately!

"This is... Too monstrous... How could something like this possibly exist?" He trembled and tears even began to streak down his cheeks "Why? Everything was perfect, then YOU came and ruined everything! Why! Why! WHY!" Yin Hei yelled in despair.

The child coldly turned to look at the figure crawling on the ground, crying his heart out. He pointed at him and then spoke, his voice extremely domineering "There will be no eternal rest for people like you. All that awaits is... Nothingness! You shall not enter reincarnation!"

Those words seemed to carry some kind of law as the land shuddered. Then it shook nine times, leaving behind nine afterimages!

Eight worlds and a single figure, Yin Hei's, appeared. The eight worlds then mended back together while the figure floated there into nothingness until... it faded away into the darkness!

Yin Hei's eyes became blank and he felt himself getting separated from his surroundings, as if he was only there as an illusion... As if he was in another plane of existence altogether!

"What... Is this? No! I don't want to disappear! No! You bastard! I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU!"

Yin Hei roared as the space surrounding him began to shatter. He then palmed his forehead and spat out a total of ten drops of silvery blood: Life Blood!

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