Chapter 89 - A Finger, A Fist, A Dagger!

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Fu Yin smiled and approached He Gon's unconscious body. The crowd was astonished from what they had just witnessed: Fu Yin had only said a few words to the masked figure, then a flash of red light had robbed them of their sight.

Finally, when they were able to see again, they had found, with a great deal of shock on their part , that He Gon had actually passed out! His eyes were showing white and his whole body was shaking, as if he was experiencing...

"Nightmares." Fu Yin bent over and whispered into He Gon's ear.

Of course, the other was still unconscious, so he could not hear nor understand what the other was saying: "I lied. Blood is the demon of war and gore, yes, but he is mainly the demon of the nightmares that cause even the best warriors to crack, to break apart..."

"He is the demon that haunts the battlefield: like a crow that feast upon the dead, he feasts upon the despair and regret of the dead souls... He doesn't eat human flesh, nor does he thirst for human blood. To be defeated by a dream, an illusion... I wonder how that feels."

Fu Yin smirked and tossed a glance at The Rin, on the other side of the arena. The girl was also smiling slightly, her eyes glittering as she seemed to understand what had just happened.

Fu Yin then turned to look at Lao Jianghu: the old man's eyes contained traces of amusement as well as admiration

"He should wake up in an hour." Fu Yin stated as he stepped out from the stage, the eyes of the whole audience following him, wide in disbelief!

"The winner of this fight is... Fu Yin!" Lao Jianghu announced, those words waking everyone up from their state of shock. Fight? What fight? Could this be considered a fight?

Te Rin had shown a great and profound skill, mysterious to most. The little crystal bird would haunt the memories of many from then on!

Fang Lu had dominated the opponent through his might alone and had hinted that there was even more to his strength than what met the eye!

Xiao Wu had amazed everyone with her display of great skills. A mysterious technique at hand and a flying sword below her feet, she defeated the puppet that had emanated a pressure of the peak Superior stage!

Finally, there was Fu Yin. He, who had defeated his opponent... without even lifting a finger! What terror would this knowledge instill in the hearts of those who were told of this? If someone could knock you out with a single glance, with but a thought, wouldn't you be afraid?

Terrified, even?


Afterwards, another fight took place. Unfortunately, as the previous battles had been so flashy, the contestants, whether they won or loss, didn't catch the eye of the audience.

Flashy skills were put into display, but when compared to those of the Sect's greatests geniuses, they could not compare in any aspect!

"Everyone, the first round of the tournament has been concluded! My sincere congratulations to the winners, and a word of thanks for the beautiful spectacles they have shown us up until now!"

Lao Jianghu nodded and dismissed the crowd with a wave of his sleeve: they could now catch a break after having passed the whole morning assisting to the fight and cheering on the contestants. The Tournament would resume in the afternoon.

After being dismissed, Fu Yin, Xiao Wu and Sou Rou headed back to their tent, changing from their "Successor's Attire" into plain robes.

Sou Rou sighed: "Damn, to think that I'd be eliminated in the first round! What bad luck... I still don't get how that Te Rin could defeat me like that, in the blink of an eye!"

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