Chapter 106 - I Do Not Seek For The Ephemeral!

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Bathing in the sunlight for the first time in so long, Cheng Hao stretched as he looked up. He lifted his hands to block the rays from the four large suns shining down from the sky and smiled delightfully as he felt the comfortable warmth on his skin.

Not that he actually had any problem with the cold lately, seeing as how he had basically turned into a flame deity for the last thousand or so years... it wasn't so much about his body temperature, as much as it was the feeling of awakening from a long slumber and find that, while some things might have changed, even more had not.

And that slumbering was also the reason the blue-eyed, blurry guy had been nagging him for so long.

"Listen to me you asshole! How do you expect me to accept that in the last thousand years you did nothing but fucking sleep the whole fucking time? At first I couldn't believe it, and I still can't now! One thousand bloody years! And you mean to tell me that in this one fucking thousand years, you simply sat cross-legged in that decaying hut? Listen, I know you are eccentric, but I kind of am quite angry at the moment if you haven't noticed. What would you do if you spent both energy and time to get your hands on this bloody door and the guy you shed sweat and blood for used it to nap for, say, ONE THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS?"

Worker looked extremely pissed off already, however Cheng Hao's carefree attitude only served to fuel his fury. After talking for a long while without receiving any kind of response, the blue eyes glinted with rage:

"Uh? Are you ignoring me? You are ignoring me, aren't you? You little..."

Almost as if to release his pent up anger, Worker grabbed his blurry hair and began pulling at it:

"Dear Lord, I'm going mad!"

Cheng Hao scratched his neck as he yawned, not sparing a single bit of attention to the blurry figure shouting at the tops of his lungs next to him. Instead, he simply inhaled the fresh air and enjoyed freedom.

Finally, after a few minutes Worker seemed to have calmed down. Clearing his voice with a loud cough, the pair of blue eyes showed no trace of anger, which had instead been replaced by curiosity.

The hazy man sighed with feeling and then shook his head:

"Whatever, what's done is done, however I hope it won't happen again. But-"


Cheng Hao had finally spoken up. That one word had been enough to make the projection of the Worker stop in his tracks and shut up immediately: so the asshole finally dared to talk to the lowly commoners... rise and shine princess! We have been waiting for this for quite a while, ya know?

Cheng Hao smiled enigmatically as he asked a simple question:

"You look quite curious to know why I had close to no progress at all during this long, thousand years... or rather, why I decided for it to be that way."

Worker's blue eyes widened as, below the cover of the blurry veil, he grinned happily:

"Well... I can't deny that. However, I understand that you might have had your reasons. After all, you might be an asshole, but wasting a thousand years' worth of cultivation just to annoy me for a few minutes... well, it doesn't really sound like something an intelligent person such as you would have done."

After walking for quite the distance, the red haired, crimson eyed youth finally reached one of the borders of the floating island. Down below, he could vaguely see a large water surface.

That was none other than the World Ocean, the place where the Seven Seas merged into one. That was none other than one of the wonders of the world!

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