Chapter 98 - Attack!

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The whole Arena was silent. The eyes of all onlookers were on the stage where two figures could be seen confronting each other...



"Uhm..." Lao Jianghu was slowly growing impatient: he wasn't here to babysit a bunch of kids! He was here to watch those kids slaughter each other! Not too the point where limbs were sent flying, sure, but a bloody show was always entertaining to watch.




"You two planning to stare at each other any longer?"

Te Rin smiled as she saw the two majestic geniuses, the monstrous Fang Lu and the mysterious Fu Yin seemingly hold a glaring contest. If that had been the occasion however, the match would have been completely one-sided...

The chubby youth had veins popping out of his forehead and his red eyes had swollen to the size of two tennis balls while a big, red, slap mark could be seen on his left cheek. Meanwhile, Fu Yin was holding both his hands on his mouth as he spasmed occasionally, his eyes tearing as he did his best trying to hold his laughter in.

"No need to worry sis..." Fang Lu's eyes twitched as he gritted his teeth:

"This won't last long..."

Fang Lu suddenly bared his teeth and his veins bulged out even more on his chubby face. Fu Yin finally could not hold it in any longer:


Fang Lu retracted his fierce expression and made a victory sign:

"Told ya. My victory."

Falling down on the ground, the white-haired boy couldn't resist the urge to laugh after looking at his opponent's appearance: it was simply too comical!

As the white-haired boy had foam coming out from the sides of his mouth, his spasms slowly ceasing as he growed closer and closer to death...

"Woah... first time ever I see someone truly 'ROFTL'ing... I must admit it is quite amusing!" Te Rin giggled at the scene. Then, she shook her head in disbelief:

"Who could have thought that brother Fu Yin had such a weakness..."

Fang Lu nodded:

"Knowing this crazy bastard, if someone else did know, he would not be standing(?) in front of us right now. Instead, to see him, we would probably have to search somewhere very deep underground, digging up tombs. His ability to make enemies is something to be admired!"

Te Rin pouted:

"And you are confident that this cannot possibly be used in battle? Like, a hundred percent sure? This could very well turn out being a trump card like no other!"

Fang Lu nodded:

"Definitely. This guy transforms into a whole different person if given the time to get serious. After all, else, would you believe that this guy is actually the most powerful disciple in this Sect?"

"Oh?" Te Rin's eyes opened wide as he heard the youth's words:

"You actually think of yourself as inferior to someone? That's... rare. First time I've seen this as well! It is true that you learn something new everyday!"

"Don't try me, girl." Fang Lu's cheeks flared up as he glared at the young woman:

"The only way we can defeat that brute is by working together, otherwise we would not be talking like this. However, I wouldn't mind landing in a blow or two at the cost of your life if needed. You should not-"

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