Chapter 32 - Turning Into Trash

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After passing the exam, each of the people forming the All But In Blood Alliance headed their own way but promised to meet up two days from then to formally join the Outer Sect together: Fan Lai would go back to his clan to report the events and to free Solomon, Liang Ran went back to his homeland while everyone else also had a place to go back to or people to visit.

Even Lu Fang had matters to attend to, such as training himself, meet some people and search for his daughter.

Only Cheng Hao and Xiao Wu stayed in the grounds of the Sect, so they were also the first to notice the letters sent to them. To sum it up, it was just of formalities and informing the owner/s of the huts would have leave the wooden houses to come live in the fifth ring.

After a day of resting and cultivating, Xiao Wu and Cheng Hao woke up early (although Cheng Hao knew that neither of them truly slept much anyways) on the second day to put all their belongings in their Heaven&Earth pouches to carry them over to their new house.

"Yeah, I will definitely miss this place!" Cheng Hao threw himself on the comfy bed and happily laid down. Xiao Wu pouted and then reprimanded "I won't! I nearly died died a few times in here, you know?"

The girl put her cosmetics in the pouch and proceeded to clean the rest of her room "Also, if you have other apprentices I don't know of, please tell me now!"

Cheng Hao chuckled "I'm sorry for not telling you about Fu Yin and the other guys, but man, that entrance, it was so worth it! I was so cool back there, wasn't I?"

The girl sighed and then began packing her stuff "C'mon brother, we need to leave this place soon! We have got our new home in the fifth ring!"

Cheng Hao nodded and looked at the ceiling 'It's all going so smoothly... Everything is just so easy, it seems like it's going to be smooth sailing from now on...




Ok, I admit it, I just want to fight and am really bored, so I raised a death flag, ok!'

"Brother, where is your dimensional pouch?" Hearing the girl's voice, Cheng Hao looked around and then said "It's on that shelf, above the Qi: its mysteries and its secrets tome" "Found it, thanks bro!"

Some time passed and Cheng Hao sighed. That ceiling under which he had met new people and gained new allies would soon turn into another one, an unfamiliar ceiling, in the Outer Sect...

"Now then..." Cheng Hao gets up and pats his clothes "Time to go! Thanks for packing my things as well sis!" "Oh, please! If I hadn't you would not have moved from that spot! You are no genius, you are just a lazy bum!"

Cheng Hao acted as if he didn't hear and shouted "On we go! To the Outer Sect!" The two stepped out of the house and they bid a last farewell to hut #5742 before heading towards the walls.

They were in no hurry and happily looked around at the sceneries they would probably not see unless it was by chance, as there would no need to go back here!

They walked for a bit, chatting and listening to Cheng Hao's stories, when someone called them over. "Sister Wu! Master Hao! Over here!" Fu Yin waved as he grinned happily, his blue eyes squinted and his mouth smiled from one ear to the other. He almost didn't seem human and looked kind of like a certain anime character with whisker marks on his cheeks...

Xiao Wu still found him handsome though: he just seemed to have that kind of charm that made him beautiful no matter the situation he was in.

Behind him were also Fan Lai, Da Bing, Baba, Yan Rui, Tai Long, and pretty much everyone else from the All But In Blood Alliance except for Solomon. Fan Lai had told Cheng Hao when he had come back in the evening of the first day that he had been freed but still needed to rest for a couple of days.

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