We Cool??...

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Aryanna's POV


I got up the next morning for school. I groaned and slung the covers off of me. I took a quick shower and did my morning routine. I looked through my closet and decided to put on my black HOMIÈS sweatpants with the matching sweatshirt. I rolled the pants legs up to my knees and put on my light blue plant life HUF socks. I braided my hair into two long braids and slipped on my powder blue Jordan's. I put my blue bandana on and did my makeup. It was simple which consisted of mascara and eyeliner. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning" I greeted everyone. "Morning" They all replied. I grabbed a poptart and water before walking out the door with the girls.

"Good morning." I greeted all of my friends at my locker. "Morning lil bit" Trey said. I kissed Justin on the cheek then put my things in my locker. I grabbed my economics book and shut my locker. I was leaning against Justin while his arms were wrapped around my waist as Joann walked up to me. "Hey look I'm not here to fight. I apologize for everything and I was hoping we could be friends." She looked hopeful. "Look I don't know. I'm over all the drama" I told her. "We don't have to be friends just accept my apology. I got what I wanted so I'm done." She said. "What do you mean you got what you wanted?" I asked. She glanced at Justin which made him tense up. "Nothing. I'm not throwing shade or anything. I got the satisfaction of pissing you off. I'm done." She smirked. "That's cool. You iight." I told her not really looking her in the face. Something is telling me shit is up. "We cool?" She asked hopefully. The bell ranged "Whatever." I said walking away.

I have a gut feeling that something is up with her. And why is Justin acting all werid...


And... SCENE!!!

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