Birthday Preparations

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Justin's POV


I woke up the next morning and quickly hopped in the shower before putting on jeans a black graphic sweater and some sneakers. I put on two of my chains and the watch my baby just got me. I brushed my hair then sprayed some cologne on. I walked downstairs where pops and Cassie were making breakfast. "You dressed mighty early jus." Cassie said. "Yeah I gotta go meet up with a friend." She nodded and continue to cook. After I ate I hopped in my car and drove to the building I was meeting my friend at. I pulled into the parking lot and parked before hopping out and walking to meet up with them. "Hey Justin." She said hugging me. "Hey." I said back returning the hug and then dapping up my other friend that decided to tag along with her. "Ok so we can put that here." The owner of the building said. We nodded. "Are you gonna provide VIP and things like that?" Jabrea asked. "Yes I will." The older man said. An hour later we all were leaving the building. "Thanks." I said to Jabrea. "Your welcome." She said. "What else do you have to do today?" I asked because I know she is busy. " I have a few more meetings with people. I gotta go look at more decorations, finalize and look at the cake, and I gotta think of a way to get Aryanna here, then I have to start putting stuff together." She said, I could tell she was stressed and I hated the fact that I was the one who wanted to throw Aryanna a party but I haven't been really helping. "I'm going to them all with you." I told her not leaving an room for arguing. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways to our cars. All day we went to meetings and things and now we were putting some
of the decorations together. "We adding glitter to this too?" I asked holding up a rope. Jabrea nodded and I began to add the glitter to it. The shit you do for your woman man.. "You called the people to see if we can get that guy Ary like to come perform." I asked not looking up from what I was doing. "Yeah they said that they would get back time by the end of the tomorrow sometime." I nodded my head. Aryanna is gonna love us.


Aryanna's POV


Justin's birthday was coming up soon and his mom and I going to throw him a party well dinner at his favorite restaurant. We're shutting it down for friends, family, and teammates. We even got his new coaches that he will have at college to come to it. We had just finished getting the last of his decorations and checking on the cake we ordered. It should be a lot of fun and yes he knows about it. I swear you can't keep a secret from his big head he finds everything out. "They will put up decorations and stuff so he needs to be here no later than seven." Mrs. Misa told me. "Yes ma'am." I said then hugged her goodbye before driving home to meet up with Justin. We were laying in my bed talking about random things and watching Martin. "Are you excited about you birthday?" I randomly asked him. "Yeah I feel like a old man." He says laughing. "Nigga that's cause you are." I said poking him in the side. "Man whatever." He playfully pouted. "Aww baby." I cooed then kissed his pouting lip. After we pulled away Justin bit his lip and said "Girl you just don't know what you be doing to me." I laughed and snuggled into his arms and turned my attention back to the show.

Man life is good...


And.... SCENE!!!!

•Justin is planning a party!!

•Justin is about to be 19

•How will both parties go?


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