Rap Monster

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I'm a person who does not believe anything but only Science. I'm never interested in Zodiac and Horoscope, like reading your daily luck meter in a newspaper or on the internet. But my friends are fools that believe stuff like that. They love fortune-telling, magic shows, etc..

That is why I was dragged to a magic show. Jimin, that little short brat insisted I should go with him or else he'll upload my nudes and let everyone see my sexy body. I swear if I could get rid of those embarrassing pictures, Jimin wouldn't be able to see the sun.

As the magic show started, I groaned and tried to ignore the cheers. Tsk, bunch of stupid people. I glared at Jimin who was sitting beside me, judging him silently. Suddenly, I felt the urge to pee.

"Jimin-ah, I have to go to the toilet. " I told Jimin.

"You're just finding a reason to escape from here. " he hissed.

"Do you want me to pee in my pant? No right? " I scoffed and walked out from the auditorium.

Unfortunately the washroom in the auditorium was under construction, which means I have to get out from the building and find any washroom nearby. Ugh, I should've just stay home and watch porn all day- I mean... Watch news.

When I walked down the street, I saw there was a store painted in dark purple and dark blue. The blood red colored curtains covered the store, I can't even see what's happening from the outside. Curiosity got the best of me. I walked closer to the store and saw some words on the glass.

'Free fortune-telling only for today'

Clicking my tongue, I rolled my eyes and ready to walk off. But suddenly, the door opened and there was a young man wearing a black cape came out from the store and stopped me. He grinned and held out his hand.

"I'm Kim Tae Hyung. As you can see, I'm a fortune-teller. "

I took his hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you but I have to go- "

"No. Come on in. I don't charge my customer only for today, which is a rare promotion. "

"It's okay I'm not interested anyway- "

The man named Taehyung dragged me into his store forcefully and made me sit down on a chair. Wow, his store is filled with voodoo dolls and lit candles. Not that I care tho. I don't even believe in voodoo dolls. Hah, how could someone uses a mere doll to curse somebody? This is ridiculous.

"Hello, Kim Nam Joon. " said the guy as he sat across me.

"How do you know my name? " I asked.

He chuckled, "A good boss will always know his customer's name. Let's not waste any time and start now. So, Namjoon.. Do you feel lonely? "

"No- "

"Be honest. Think carefully how you feel when you go home after work and find your apartment is always empty and silent. How do you feel when you eat alone and sleep alone? How do you really feel when you see couples in the streets? "

I bit my inside cheeks and slowly nodded, "Yes. I do feel a little bit lonely. "

"This is why we were fated to meet each other. I'm here to help you. " said Taehyung.

"What? Are you some kind of angel sent by the God up there? " I mocked.

"You'll be grateful after this. " Taehyung ignored my comment and proceeded his fortune-telling, "Tomorrow, exactly at 9 a.m., you will meet your true love in a park nearby your house. "

I scoffed in disbelief, "How do you know? "

"I'm a fortune-teller. " he said then grinned, "Of course I know everything. I can even tell your past, present and future. "

"Oh, prove it. " I challenged him.

"You had undergone a heart surgery and you had only 30% to live back then. Now your career is musician. You work with your friend named Jimin under a same company. "

I was taken aback by his statements. How does he know about my surgery? I never tell anyone.

"Then.. Can you predict my future? " I asked.

He nodded, "Like I said just now, you will meet a girl tomorrow at exactly 9 a.m. She's definitely your type. "

"How do you know my ideal type- "

"Oh please, stop. " Taehyung raised his hand in front of my face, "I know everything about you. Obviously your ideal type is sexy girls. "

I smirked, "You're good at guessing. "

He looked at me with a frown, "I am not guessing. I can read people's mind. "

"Oh, that was awesome! " I cheered in sarcasm, "Wow, I'm impressed! "

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head in response of my sarcastic comment, "I often get comments similar to that. I'm used to it. Now off you go, there's a customer waiting for me outside. "

I rolled my eyes and walked out from the store, and surprised as I almost bumped into a guy who was standing outside of the store. H-How did Taehyung know? I thought we couldn't see anything from the inside- Ah, whatever. I'm not interested to know anyway. Better get back to Jimin or else he's gonna post my ultimate humiliation pictures. :) that bastard.

The next morning --

Why the fuck am I here? Why did I come here when I don't even believe what the fortune teller said. Aish, Kim Nam Joon, you're out of your mind.

I checked my watch and it's already 9:04 a.m. Tsk, and he said I'll meet my true love at exactly 9 a.m. What a con artist. Not gonna waste any more of my time here in the park.

When I turned around, someone spilled a BURNING hot coffee on my newly-bought white T-shirt. I swear I'm gonna destroy that person-

"I'm sorry! " she squeaked, trembling in fear and looking at me with a shocked expression. Oops, I guess I might've scared her badly. Since it's a girl, like, a cute girl, I wouldn't just snap at her right? That's so not gentleman.

"It's okay. " I forced a smile. She kept apologizing while trying to clean the obvious brown stain on my shirt.

"Shit, it wouldn't get off. " she cursed under her breath. Hah, how cute.

"No, seriously, it's okay. " I said, "It's not my favourite shirt anyway. "


"Really? But still, I'm very sorry. How could I make it up to you? "

"What about you give me your number and I'll call you, so maybe we can hang out later or something. "

Smooth, Namjoon. Smooth. I'm so proud of myself right now.

"O-Okay. " she stuttered and gave me her phone. I dialled my phone number and then returned it to her.

"Thanks. Oh wait, I didn't get your name yet. "

Her cheeks turned a shade of light pink as she pushes some strands of her dark brown hair to the back of her ear.

"I'm (Y/N). Oh, it's 9:05 already! I have to go now, see you later! " she exclaimed and dashed off.

9:05? But I thought it's - Ah, I forgot I had set my watch five minutes faster. Which means I actually meet her at exactly 9 a.m. Oh my gosh, this is really awesome! I have to thank Taehyung! I should've trust him earlier!

When I got home and changed into a new shirt, I drove to the auditorium and ran towards Taehyung's store. Unfortunately, there was no sign of his store.

"Excuse me, lady. Have you seen a fortune-telling store nearby? "

The florist shook her head, "There's never any fortune-telling store here. I've been working at here for 4 years, and never seen one. "

"But I- "

Weird, I remember Taehyung's store is just right beside this florist shop!


"Believe in magic. Believe in TaeTae :D "

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