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Genre: Fluff


Lately, (Y/N) has been acting strange around me. It seems like she was avoiding me. I wonder what happened?

Oh no, did she finds out I ate her cookies she bought few days ago?! Ahhhh I have to apologize to her! :(

"Jagi!! " I whined as I sprinted towards her, hugging her from behind. Usually she would turn around and return the hug, but she stood still this time.

"I'm sorry I ate your cookies! I promise I'll buy then for you and will ask for your permission when I want to eat them! Please forgive me~ "

She squirmed out from my hug and let out a heavy sigh, shaking her head in response.

"I'm not mad at you, Hoseok. I'm just being stress lately. " she answered.

"Oh, mind sharing your problems with me? You know I'm your hope, I can help you to solve them! " I beamed.

"Hoseok-ah.. " (Y/N) muttered, chewing her bottom lip, "I-I think we should take a break. "

I couldn't believe what my (Y/N) just said. D-Does she means we should break up? I tried to recall what I had do and upset her, but I don't think I ever did something wrong!

"W-Why? Are you in love with somebody else? " my voice cracked, tears brimming in my eyes.

I'm not the type who cries over some tiny fights, but I couldn't hold back my tears as I heard (Y/N) wants to break up with me.

"No, I just think we should take a break. Just give me some time, alright? " she exhaled loudly, walking into our room.

"Where are you going?! " I raised my voice in nervousness, grabbing her wrist to stop her from walking out the door.

"Just leave me alone, I need time to think, Jung Hoseok. " (Y/N) said coldly, yanking her hand from me and stepped outside with her luggage in her hand.

"Jagiya, please— "

"Enough. " she snapped, "I'll be living with my best friend temporarily. Just focus on your work, Hoseok. Bye. "

I know I will only make thing worse if I tried to stop her again, so I decided to let her go first. I dialled her best friend's number and asked her a favour. It's the least than I can do.

"Yeoboseyo? This is Hoseok, (Y/N)'s... B-Boyfriend. " I stuttered, "(Y/N) left my house just now, due to some reason.. I tried to stop her but she refused to stay, so I just want to ensure her safely arrive your home. Can you please take care of her temporarily? I'll try my best to get her back again. "

Her friend sounds awkward when she tries to answer me. I'm not sure why but she told me that (Y/N) will be fine staying with her.

After ending the call, I sent a message to (Y/N).

자기야, 미안해. I don't know what did I do to make you upset, but I just want you to know I love you so much. If you have any problem, you can always tell me. You're my everything, and I can't live without you.

Please come back to me soon...

— Hoseok

Few days later, I received zero messages or calls from (Y/N). But at least I know she's doing fine. I ask her best friend secretly every day.

"Hoseok-ah, I know I shouldn't tell you this, (Y/N) said not to tell anyone, especially you. But you have to know that (Y/N).. She's pregnant. " her friend said through the phone.

Mixture of joy and excitement washed through my body as I yelled a 'really?!'

My members gathered around me and looked at me with a happy expression. I said a 'thank you' to her friend and hung up the phone call.

"Wow, hyung! I haven't seen you smile for a few days! " Jimin beamed, "What happened? "

"Is noona finally come back to you? " Jungkook asked.

"(Y/N)! " I shook Nam Joon's arm like a mad man, "She! She! She's pregnant!! "

"Wowwwww! " they all cheered.

"Congratulations! " Jin shouted.

"We should go celebrate! " Yoongi commented.

"Firstly, I have to talk to (Y/N) first. " I said quickly, grabbing my jacket and my car key, "Nam Joon, tell PD-nim I have to leave work early. "

"Sure, bro. "

I dashed out from the building and went straight to (Y/N)'s best friend's house. I know her address because she sent it just a moment ago. She said (Y/N) is home alone now.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door twice.
"Wow, why are you so fast? I thought you need— " (Y/N) stopped talking as she realized it was me standing in front of her instead of her friend.

She tried to close the door but I squeezed myself into the house, flashing my infamous grin.

"Jagiya! I missed you so much! " I cried out, hugging her tightly, almost forgot that there's a tiny one in her belly now.

"Oops. " I chuckled, tearing myself away from her, "I'm here to pick you up now. Go get your stuff and let's go home. "

"Hoseok, didn't I told you we should give each other some time— "

"I know everything now. I know why did you leave me. " I cut her off, "You're afraid that I don't want the baby? Our baby? Seriously, (Y/N). I've been wanting to create my own family, I've been dreaming about little you's and me's running around in our house. Do you think I'm those guys who leaves their girlfriend when they found out she's pregnant? I can ensure you that I am not one of those jerks. "

"But... It'll ruin your career. The fans out there wouldn't accept. " she mumbled, tears pouring down her cheeks.

I brushed them off with my thumb and sighed.

"A true fan will support us no matter what. So rest assured, you and I will be fine. Please come back to me. We'll raise our baby together. "

Finally, (Y/N) followed me home and never leave me ever again. Since then, I did all the house chores, not that I mind though...

We got married after a week (Y/N) came back. Bang Si Hyuk PD-nim had also announced to everyone that my WIFE is pregnant. I'm glad the fans gave us their full support and sent us gifts for the baby. Looking at those parcels, I got more excited day by day.

The bump on her belly getting obvious each day, (Y/N) felt the baby's first kick and I'm more excited than her.

Jin hyung and the others came visited us frequently. They would caress her belly and talk to the baby like he or she can listen to them.

"(Y/N)-ah ~ I bought this for your baby. Make sure to dress her up with this outfit, okay? " Jin said.

"How are you so sure that it's a 'she'? " I asked, scoffing at my hyung.

"Sixth sense. " he replied cockily.

No matter what is the gender of the baby, I'm sure we're gonna be a happy family. And maybe we'll get our first child some more playmates, if you know what I mean. >:D

The end.

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