Colin Kaepernick

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I call this piece Colin Kaepernick.
The brown skin,
Afro rockin,
Who some just sees as a direspectful football player.
Who they need to reprimand.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick,
Because of his stand
He showed the nation and the world
How to fight for your rights
Like a real man.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
Because he is right.
We need to talk about us
Who we are.
Where we are from
And how we identify as one.

So let us talk.
Do you know why they are killing us off ?
Why every single thing is "perceived" as a threat to there lives?

Well my dear brother,
My dear sister,
This racial war was planned,
Analyzed and Executed.
By those who are full of
And more hate.
They fueled the masses
Sending them on ranging terror.

I call this piece Collin Kaepernick.
So let us keep talking.

All I really want to say,
That they don't really care about us.
They don't care about all the great things we have done.
Don't care about our mothers ,
Fathers ,
Daughters ,
And Sons.
Once they have us in control
Is all they worried about.

I call this piece Collin Kaepernick.
So please keep Kaepernick.
In order for us to be free,
We need to be free from our selfs.
From the shackles that are tightly grasped around our brain .
That we see,
Understand ,
And retaliate
So that when the man sees us
They don't know what to do.

I call this piece Collin Kaepernick
I am still talking are you listening.
The fact that they want to implement
But doesn't care about
My black life,
My brother hispanic life
My sister Muslim life,
Or My squad Native American life
But yeah All Lives Matter
It Matters because THEY feel they are superior.
THEY feel that they can rule both you and me.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
And yes I am talking. You better be listening
For the coons and uncle Toms are out here
Bowing down to those who claim that they have the crown
While beating down on their own Kings and Queens
And then have the nerve to say
I was right, look at them
Disgusting you see.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
For I am talking and talking
Knowing that they are some privilledge brothers and sisters
That got our back
Learning the history
The right way
Standing tall
Standing strong for what is right
And they scream it out loud.
Like I said
We go through this struggle
We suffer.
We pain.
We cry.
We sulk.
We sigh.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
I am screaming oh can you hear me now
Yes I said We
Because I know what we are talking about
They say you not here
You don't know the pain
But the pain flows through everyone of our viens
As colonialism strives through the system
And racism is the key why so many of our brothers are in jail
Sisters dead in the streets
Targeted like a piece of meat.

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
And this conversation will not go to vain
For this is not all talk and no action
For action is being done
But they just want us singing negro spirituals.
And freedom songs.
Thinking we don't know history
We don't know laws
The fight is still going
The conversation is growing

I call this piece Colin Kaepernick
So talk.
Tell the world
Scream to heavens
Let the universe know.


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Next request dropping tonight

One Love💜

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