Let's Make a Deal

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For itsjasminaye

Jasmin's P.O.V.

"Girl you know you sweet like a mango." Ben said to me when he walked into the class. I rolled my eyes at his comment and went back to my note book.

"Ah Ben. She shut you down again." Ben's friend said while he took his seat on the other side of the classroom. One thing I hate about English is that Ben sits right next to me and I hate him with a passion.

"Don't worry man. She is just warming up to me." He said with a big grin. I rolled my eyes at him wondering why the teacher hasn't arrived as yet.

"Ma' why you always rolling your eyes." he said turning towards me.

Rolls eyes

"Man. I don't see the reason to do such I am so good to you."

Rolls eyes

"Mhhm. You look like something got caught in your eye."

Rolls eyes

"Auditioning to be a demon in a scary movie or something?"

Rolls eyes.

He smacked his teeth at me and I grin in satisfaction. "Well it is going to stick like that and you definitely be ready for that roll."

"Okay Simmons can you do me a favour and shut the fuck up" I yelled at him. The entire class watched me in awe. I wasn't the type to scream a lot. Shit I barley talked to anyone. Now this is an awkward situation. Thanks Ben.

"Oh she got a voice now. Nice." Ben just said causally. "Now tell me Jasmin. Why do you dislike me so much.?" The entire class stood by waiting for my answer.

"One. i do not dislike you. I hate you difference." I said twirling my pen.

"Ohhhhh she told you sooo." some random in the class shouted causing the others to laugh. I shook my head and the comment and continued.

"Why because you feel you are the shit because you play ball. Reality check no one cares and you are not that great."I said. He had this mischievous look on his face that worried me a lot.

"Okay. I get you. But what qualifies you to tell me how good I am at basketball." he said scooting his chair closer.

"Well. I brought 3 championships to this school and will be bringing home a next one." I said spitting facts. Does he not know that I am the captain of the team and is a top 10 recruit.

"Okay miss 3 championships. Let's make a deal." he said folding his arms. The entire class was enjoying this moment between the two of us.

"You and me play a game of pick up. First to 22 wins but there is catch."

"And that is?"

"If I win you have to go on a date with me."

"Yeah Ben." I heard his friends say. He rolled his eyes at them and turned back to me.

"And if you win. I would stop bothering you? Deal" he said putting out his hand.

"Deal" I said shaking his hand. This should be good. I have the opportunity to beat him and for him to leave me alone.

"4 o'clock. Main gym. Don't be late." he turned around since the teacher arrived for class.

It is 3:56pm and the gym is packed with students and teachers. Word got out about our bet and many people wanted to see it.

Many called this the ultimate battle of the sexes others say it is a start to a Love and Basketball story. For me this is just a bet.

4:00pm Ben walked into the gym and was surprised at the crowd.

"Well the Jasmin. It looks like we have company." he said walking up to me.

"A little crowd doesn't hurt Simmons. You should be fine." I said laughing. "So we going to start this game or."

Before I could continue my sentence Ben and I teamates were in the stands hyping up the ground. Ben's co-captain took a mic and started to address the crowd. Talk about extra.

"Welcome students and faculty to the ultimate captains show off." he started. "Representing the boys team, the big man from down under Ben." the guys in the crowd started to cheer him on.

"Representing the girls team. She is all sugar and spice and makes everything nice. Jasmin" all the girls started to cheer.

"You ready" he said standing infront of me.

"Check". This game is about to be good.

The score is 20-20 and I had the ball. The crowd was intense because anyone could win this game. Ben placed himself infront of me getting ready to play defense. Using my great handling skills, I cross him over, resulting a couple of "oooo's", and drove to the basket for the the layup. As soon as the ball released from my hand, a big body block it, caught it and dunk it.

I lost.

The crowd was in awe. They couldn't believe what just happened. Persons came to congratulate both of us on a very entertaining game but I was worried about one thing. I had a date with Ben Simmons.

"So I'll meet you at Chester's for 7 on Friday night." he winked at me before leaving the gym.

It was Friday and today was my date with Ben. I thought about calling to say that I was sick and couldn't make it but that is a punk move. And I am not a punk.

Walking into the restaurant I spotted Ben. He saw me and got up to bring me at the table.

"You look really beautiful tonight Jasmin." he complimented me. It caught me off guard since I had on a simple peach sun dress.

"Not to shabby your self Simmons."I said. He had on grey slacks paried with a blazer and looked mighty sharp. He pulled out my seat for me and then took his seat.

This was too strange. I am complimenting and checking him out. He is being a gentlemen this is weird.

"Are you okay?" he asked with an amused look on his face.

"No offense or anything but this is strange. Like I am not this nice to you and I don't know why." I said shaking my head.

"Okay. Trust me by the end of the night. You going to know why." he said laughing.

Dinner was fun. We got to know each other better and share our love for basketball. He was really sweet and funny. I guess I found the answer to my question. I think I actually like him.

"I had fun tonight Ben." I said with a smile. All good things had to come to an end.

"Your welcome. And I had fun too. Looks like you are warming up to me. You called me Ben." he said with a big grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder walking us out of the restaurant.

"Yeah Yeah Whatever."

Well things are going to be different now.


Jasss girly 💜. I hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊. I had to threw in the mangoes, I'm sorry 😂😂

Until Next Time to my beauties
One Love
-Agape 💜

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