"Maybe you should flash them, just to get them off my case."

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May 28, 1999

Yesterday, Melanie, Stacy, Shauna, and I went to Melanie's house. Jacob and Tyler were at Louis's house, which is right nearby. The guys wanted us all to walk to the pizza place. We did, but when we got there, we realized we didn't have any money. Since Shauna lives right down the street, all the girls decided to walk there to get some money, while the guys waited for us at the basketball court across the street.

When we got to Shauna's house, we decided to call Zach, since he lives like, three houses over from her. So I called him and he said to come to his door to get him, and he'd come to the pizza place with us. So once Shauna got the money, we stopped by Zach's house and got him, then stopped by the basketball court and got Louis, Tyler, and Jacob, and then we all went to the pizza place.

The girls sat in one booth and the guys sat in the booth next to us. It was fun - we're all friends, except for Zach, really. But he seemed cool hanging out with those guys.

I was talking to Zach on the phone today, and he was like, "At the pizza place, all the guys kept asking me if I could get you to flash them. I was like, 'Leave me alone!' But maybe you should, you know, flash them, just to get them off my case." The day before we started going out again, like three days ago, he said, "I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend hooked up with other people... just as long as she did more with me." I don't know how to feel about that. [Sounds like Zach was kind of a little kinkster!]

Next year, Zach is going to an all-boys Catholic school. I said I would miss him, and he said, "Well, you'll get to go to two sets of dances - yours and mine. Plus, you'll get to sound cool when you tell people you have a boyfriend who goes to Catholic school." [I guess that was all it took to sound cool.]

That means he's planning on us going out for a long time! Yay! I'm so glad we're back together. We are definitely soul mates.

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