"See this dog? This is my lesbian lover."

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July 26, 1998

Shauna's party was a major disappointment. Nathan was going on vacation with his family, so he couldn't go. Daniel was there and he was being super-funny as usual. He stole my sandal and hid it in the mailbox. [Like I said, super-funny.]

Louis was there, too. He is so annoying usually, but he was actually being okay this time. He's really funny and weird, but he's not cute at all.

Another boy named Mark was there, and I've wanted to get to know him ever since last summer when Melanie said he was super-hot. Well, he's not super-hot but he is semi-good looking. He's really nice, too. I don't think I'd ever said a word to him other than at this party.

Shauna brought out her stuffed dog for some reason and said, "See this dog? This is my lesbian lover." I took it from her and started hugging it and stuff. Then Mark said, "I don't think that dog is a lesbian." I said, "Why not?" [Because it is a stuffed dog?]

He said, "Because I did her last night!" And he grabbed it and started running down the street with it. I chased him and was like, "No! It's Shauna's lesbian dog!" And it was a joke we had between us. [The joke is... that the stuffed dog is a lesbian? Hilarious.] 

If I ever break up with Nathan, I think I'll want to go out with Mark. But I mean, it's not like I'm going to break up with Nathan anytime soon. Daniel says that Nathan thinks I still like Zach. Of course, that's ridiculous. Well, maybe I do still like him a little. But Nathan is a much better person than Zach is.

It's been exactly five months today since I've kissed anyone. Maybe the next time I see Nathan, I'll kiss him. Or at least ask him if he wants to.

My sister French-kissed someone for the first time about two days ago, at the movies. She said it was awful. Her boyfriend is the one who kissed her. She said he had gross breath and he kept opening and closing his mouth on her tongue, and she was waiting for it to be over. [Yup, that sounds pretty awful.]

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