I think I could hold my own in a fight, but everyone would be rooting for HER.

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March 29, 1998

Today it was like, 90 degrees out! Alicia called me and I went roller-blading with her. She is a seventh-grader who lives in my neighborhood and doesn't really care what's going on in the sixth grade.

Andrew rode by on his bike, and we ended up walking around the neighborhood with him for FOUR HOURS! He is so hot. At one point, my sister and some other boys who live nearby came out and started walking around with us, too. [Four hours seems like an absurdly long time to be walking around the neighborhood.]

They are not cute or popular, and I am not attracted to them in any way, shape, or form, but they are boys, so I felt cool walking around with them. Andrew let me ride his bike and so I felt even cooler.

We walked by Steph's house and I felt confident so I yelled, "Steph! Come out and play!" Her sister, who is 16, came to the window and said, "Is that you, Emily?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "Is there something you want to say?" I said, "I just wanted to see if Steph wanted to come out." She said, "Well, why don't you come to the door and say it?" I said, "No, we were just walking by." [Maybe we'll stop by again in four hours.]

I told Jenna about it over the phone, and she laughed. Then she said she had to go. A little while later, she called back and said, "I was talking to Lisa, and she said that Steph told her that you guys went to Steph's house and were throwing rocks at it and pounding on the windows and calling her and her sister a slut."

Why would Steph lie about that? Oh, I know why. To ruin my life and build her own popularity. Maggie said that Steph is trying to get Amanda Collins to beat me up. I think I could hold my own in a fight against her, but the thing is, everyone would be rooting for her.

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