I'm practicing being nice to everyone and I have made some new kind-of-friends.

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April 29, 1998

I don’t really know what’s up with me and Zach. He’s friends with Steph, who spends her entire life trying to figure out how to ruin mine. By the way, she’s going out with Matt again and Jenna is so pissed off. I don’t really know why, since Jenna is basically in love with Jacob and always has been.

Aaron called for the first time in a long while last night. I asked him why he hadn’t called in so long and he said it was because he was grounded from the phone, which I’m not sure I believe. [Too bad the “I was grounded from the phone” excuse doesn’t work as an adult, huh?]

I asked him if he is friends with Steph and he said, “No, I hate that bitch!” I said, “But you like Lisa and Lisa is best friends with Steph now.” He said, “I don’t like Lisa anymore.” That is really good news.

I’m practicing being nice to everyone and I have made some new kind-of-friends. Jenna is still my #1, no replacement best friend. I know that because she stuck with me even when everyone else left. [A trademark on “kind-of-friends” is in the works. Kind of.]

I also feel kind of close with Shauna, Melanie, Erin, and Stacy, whom Steph had always led me to believe were “losers” just because they weren’t her friends. But they turned out to be a lot nicer than the popular group. Steph’s friends just use each other to get popular.

My mom taught me this fun game: you write down your name and a boy’s name. You cross out all the letters that your names have in common, and then name all the remaining letters as, “love,” “marriage,” “hate,” “indifference,” until you come to the end of the letters. Whichever word you land on is how you feel about te boy. Then you do the same thing to his name to find out how he feels about you.

[What if only one of the names ends up on “marriage”? Also… really, Mom?! I was already boy-crazy enough without this unfortunate match-making tool from the 1960s.]

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