It's still hard for her to let go.

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March 28, 1998

Today I went to the mall with Michelle. I bought jean shorts, a see-through candle with chunks of colored wax floating inside, funky sunglasses, and Michelle bought matching frog keychains and gave one to me.

Also we went into a photo booth and took pictures of ourselves with a frame around them that says, "BEST FRIENDS," and got the pictures made into stickers. So I guess Michelle is my best friend now. [That was easy!]

Jenna hasn't been calling me all that much. I guess she's really confused right now. She wants to be friends with Steph's group, but she wants to be friends with Erin's group, too.

Actually, she's kind of using Erin's group as a last resort. She knows now that Steph's group doesn't like her, but it's still hard for her to let go. Just like it was for me. I can empathize with Jenna.

In church today, I saw Aaron with his cousin who goes to Catholic school. He is drop-dead gorgeous. I was staring at him all through the service, even though I knew I should be paying attention. I don't think he noticed. [And neither did God, probs.]

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